Donald Trump has proven once again that the thin-skinned megalomaniac cannot handle criticism. Convinced – at least publicly – that most people approve of him despite his towering disapproval ratings (climbing by the day at a record pace), he tweeted his frustration this morning at those who oppose him:
Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 3, 2017
Salon’s Simon Maloy asked in bewilderment, “the hell is a ‘professional anarchist’?” And Trump’s typically ill-thought-out comment aroused immediate mockery on Twitter:
wait there are people being paid?? did my check get lost in the mail. also how do u become a professional anarchist? do u need a degree
— sahana (@tragic_cal) February 3, 2017
wait, how do I become a *professional* anarchist? What’s the pay like? What paperwork do I have to fill out? What qualifications do I need?
— Another Angry Woman (@stavvers) February 3, 2017
Please add us to your “Professional Anarchist” LinkedIn network. #WhatsthePayGrade #IsTheConferenceSomeplaceWarm #resist #anarchists
— NEArts (@Alt_NEArts) February 3, 2017
The new job lacks a description and requirements and there are many other questions to be answered:
I wonder if I can earn OT then. @USDOL does the Overtime Admin Act consider this role exempt? #professionalanarchist #resist
— Breanne (@BreRVA) February 3, 2017
Rumor is, however, it doesn’t pay well to be a “professional anarchist”:
Before dad gave me “small loan” I looked into being a #professionalanarchist. Bad pay. More $ in screwing the working class #TheResistance
— Generalissimo Trump (@Pol_PoTrump) February 3, 2017
This idea of “paid protesters” is a familiar conservative meme, frequently repeated by Trump both brief flirtation with “love” for the passion of those protesting against him but that seems to have evaporated now.
Republican dogma insists that grassroots opposition to something can exist only among conservatives, despite the obviously astroturf origins of the corporate stoogery of the “Tea Party.” Calling protesters “thugs” is not only racist but an attempt to delegitimize his critics.
As for “professional anarchists” the idea is rather amusing, given that anarchists, by their very nature, cannot organize anything or be part of any sort of organization, which is why the experiment failed so miserably in Spain during the Spanish Civil War.
Donald Trump has put his foot in his mouth again, speaking in anger and without thought or consideration, sticking to the dictate of unsustainable ideological beliefs over unpalatable facts. People don’t like him. They don’t like him a lot.
The truth is, nobody has to pay people to protest Donald Trump. They do it for many reasons and many causes, including the simple love of freedom and the right to choose, and out of opposition to the bigotry and hatred represented by the Trump administration.
If Donald Trump thinks people have to be paid to oppose him, he is in for a long four years of disappointment and an inability to “enjoy” the White House.