Trump rabble-rouser Ann Coulter was called out by Soledad O’Brien when Coulter defended Donald Trump’s Muslim ban. O’Brien eschewed right-wing political correctness when she called Ann Coulter a “Nazi apologist.” No doubt Ann “You’re on Fire Tonight Alt-Right” Coulter would have preferred “alt-right apologist.”
Coulter, meanwhile, had already moved onto detailing stories of crimes committed by immigrants against white people, a rift on her frequent claim that she once called Trump’s new UN Ambassador Nikki Haley “an ignorant immigrant,” has earned her reputation as a Nazi apologist many times over.
This fact, tweeted courtesy of O’Brien’s old employer, CNN, doesn’t matter to Coulter:
In her book In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! she wrote, “Almost any immigrant to America makes it less honest.” Since then, she has done her best to mainstream Nazism in America, including tweeting “14!’ for the infamous 14-word white supremacist slogan,
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
It is good to see that identification come from a well-known and respect media figure like Soledad O’Brien. Trump doesn’t like political correctness he says. In truth, he doesn’t like “correctness” of any kind.
It is Donald Trump’s opponents who must refuse to be politically correct by calling things and people what they are, and Ann Coulter is a Nazi apologist.