Tag:fashion?historic occasion?Obama
By Barb Shelly, Kansas City Star editorial page columnist
Word from the Democrats is that Barack Obama will deliver his acceptance speech in rock star-like fashion at INVESCO Field at Mile High in Denver.
By moving out of the smaller Pepsi Center to the home turf of the dreaded (for us in Kansas City) Broncos, Obama can quadruple his audience and speak to a crowd of about 75,000.
This had better be one incredible speech. Obama and Howard Dean, the party chairman, are ratcheting expectations, well, a mile high. Dean points to the historic milestone of the coronation of the first non-white nominee, and notes that Obama will be speaking on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”
Viewed cynically, the move looks like preening, somewhat like that odd Presidential-appearing seal the Obama campaign rolled out and almost immediately retired.
Plus, the TV networks are in a dither over logistics.
Still, it is a historic occasion and I suppose Obama and the Dems can rationalize the move by stressing that it will allow people other than party insiders to participate.
But they’re setting a high, high bar.
Tag:fashion?historic occasion?Obama
By Barb Shelly, Kansas City Star editorial page columnist
Word from the Democrats is that Barack Obama will deliver his acceptance speech in rock star-like fashion at INVESCO Field at Mile High in Denver.
By moving out of the smaller Pepsi Center to the home turf of the dreaded (for us in Kansas City) Broncos, Obama can quadruple his audience and speak to a crowd of about 75,000.
This had better be one incredible speech. Obama and Howard Dean, the party chairman, are ratcheting expectations, well, a mile high. Dean points to the historic milestone of the coronation of the first non-white nominee, and notes that Obama will be speaking on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”
Viewed cynically, the move looks like preening, somewhat like that odd Presidential-appearing seal the Obama campaign rolled out and almost immediately retired.
Plus, the TV networks are in a dither over logistics.
Still, it is a historic occasion and I suppose Obama and the Dems can rationalize the move by stressing that it will allow people other than party insiders to participate.
But they’re setting a high, high bar.