A lot of us pay close attention to our favorite celebrities and their celebrity lives, and a lot more of us pay even closer attention to our favorite celebrities’ clothes and celebrity fashion. In other words, we are not content to just gaze at them and bask in their brilliance, we want to dress like them as well.
Why this fascination with celebrity fashion? Some of us crave the attention that celebrities get. We think that if we dress like celebrities, we will get attention like celebrities – and that’s a LOT of attention!
Others want the compliments. After all, we all see how many compliments celebrities get about their clothes, especially the most sincere kind of compliment, which is imitation. Since most of us don’t get complimented that much – or at all – in our everyday lives, some of us crave it and hope that wearing the same clothes that earned so many compliments for the celebrity who first wore it would earn at least half us much for ourselves as well.
Now the question is: Is it bad to want to dress like celebrities? Absolutely not – if the celebrity fashion looks good on you, and if your income can cover it.
But not everything that looks good on Madonna will look good on any other woman her age – or even a woman half her age. Also, with Madonna’s income, she can afford to change her style every month – and sometimes she does.
If we, with our non-Madonna income, tried to keep up, we would be broke pretty soon. That won’t get us compliments at all. It will most likely get us some attention, but probably not the kind that most of us crave.