It seems like everyday new technology and products are introduced that strive to make us faster, stronger, or more resilient to injuries. Two recent trends have risen above the noise and shown true staying power.
The first is the trend towards barefoot running. Some people are starting to question the wisdom of more and more expensive running shoes with support, paddings, springs, etc. Even common else encourages us to ask what man did for walking and running before the technological dawn of the modern shoe? People are starting to realize that perhaps expensive running shoes are the problem and that a barefoot back to nature approach is worth trying. Indeed, one study found that more expensive running shoes were correlated with more injuries and not fewer injuries as the shoe companies would like us to believe. While some people are having success with truly barefoot running, more pragmatic runners are trying very minimalist shoes that provide protection from rough roads and broken glass, but provide minimal support and cushioning. According to people who have tried it, it’s a rough transition since it uses muscles that we have seemingly abandoned but worth it for the comfort and lower incidence of injuries.
GPS watches are also a technology to keep an eye on. They are the logical next step in athletic watches that strive to track and measure everything about your performance. Now, they can know where you are and know your exact pace. By saving your runs, you can even compete against yourself later on the same course!
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?New-Technology-For-Runners-and-Athletes&id=2955547