Pressy is a small device which sits in your head phone jack and that turns your Android headphone jack into a programmable button, has far surpassed its Kickstarter goal in less than a day.
Connecting the Pressy Button with the free Pressy app lets you easily customize and use your favorite, everyday actions. For example, if you use your flashlight on regular basis, set a Click-combination the app for turning on your flashlight and start clicking the Button, you will loose your headphone functionality while using pressy, but you get a lot of extra features in return.
Here are some examples:

The Pressy app is designed to work on all Android devices running version 2.3 (gingerbread) and up. Since the application is only activated when you click a button, there is no drain on battery life. And if you want to use your headphone jack , you know, listen to music, you can still do that. Just pop the Pressy out and plug your headphones in. Or you can use a Bluetooth pair.
The default actions are as follows,
• One short Click to toggle your flashlight
• One long Click to toggle your phone in and out of silent mode
• Double-Click to snap a photo
Pressy is raising money through Kickstarter but has already surpassed its funding goal. A $17 pledge will get you your own button – the team is hoping to have them shipping out by March of next year.
Source: Kickstarter Pressy: the Almighty Android Button!