
So You’re Thinking of Getting Your First Tattoo – A Look at the Pros And Cons Of Tattoos

On Getting Your First Tattoo: Pros And Cons Of TattoosSo you're thinking of getting your first tattoo. Well, you're not…

8 years ago

Bow Tattoo Meanings

The bow tattoo is becoming a popular feminine inked choice. The design, size, colors and locations are being chosen to…

8 years ago

The Secret Meanings of a Praying Hands Tattoo

The praying hands tattoo is a very expressive religious tattoo. There are many religious tattoos to choose from in today's…

8 years ago

Tattoos 101 – How To Get The Perfect Tattoo

Each and every day thousands of people get new tattoos done. And each and every day a large percentage of…

8 years ago