
The Immortal Myth of Apple Computers

With the introduction of Windows 95, Apple's market share which was around 5% further declined to between 3 - 4%.…

8 years ago

The Truth about Colossus: Are You Just A Magnetic Image?

What is Colossus?Colossus is software licensed to about twenty-five insurance companies to aid in predicting the settlement value of claims.…

8 years ago

All in One Computers: Advantages and Disadvantages

All-in-one computers are just like desktop computers only they are more compact. Instead of having three components: the monitor, CPU…

8 years ago

Why iPad Developers Should Pay Attention To Medical Students

The Internet, magazines and newspapers are full of articles about the iPad and its apps for the average Joe, Jane…

8 years ago

How To Find New Technology Articles

We are living in the future and there are new devices, gadgets and smart computers coming almost every day of…

8 years ago

Photo Editing Software

A good friend of mine argues that the perfect photograph is one that requires absolutely no adjustments after the shutter…

8 years ago

An Overview of Modern Technology

Present-day technology has changed development in a lot of ways. People have often been on a way of movement, yet…

8 years ago

Twitter’s New Live Video Service – Will It Make An Impact?

First came Twitter's Periscope. Then Facebook Live. Now comes full live video streaming again from Twitter.Users now have the option…

8 years ago

Latest Innovated Technology in Soccer

The latest technology in soccer was brought by several incidents like violent brawls, great stampedes and knock downs and sometimes…

8 years ago

Micro SIM Card Cutter For Your iPhone 4 Or iPad

Apple iPhone 4 and iPad let everyone know an unfamiliar industry standards: Micro SIM card. It was developed by the…

8 years ago