
Why Does My Dog’s Vomit Smell Like Poop?

Most dog owners think once their puppy reaches a certain age; they don't have to be as concerned about everything…

7 years ago

Fish Oil for Dogs – Better Health for Fido

"Fish oil for dogs? You gotta be kidding!" is a response I sometimes get from owners when I suggest they…

8 years ago

Not All Dogs Benefit From A Summer Haircut or Shave Down

It would be impossible to count how many times each summer a professional groomer is asked to shave a client's…

8 years ago

Medications Known To Cause Sudden Onset Deafness In Dogs!

First and foremost, before your dog is treated for an inner ear infection, it is important to determine if it…

8 years ago

Foxes As Pets – 6 Ways They Differ From Dogs

A lot of people are enchanted by the idea of owning a pet fox. They're charming, intelligent animals, and there…

8 years ago