There are many universal laws out there that exist. You may have heard of the ‘law of gravity’ or the ‘law of intention’, but this article will focus on the attraction and cosmic ordering. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. We attract to ourselves, and into our experience that what we are. This idea (although it’s been about for centuries) has been popularised further in recent times through books and films such as The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, whereby the idea has been put out there that ‘thoughts are things’ and we are attracting to ourselves our experiences, through our thoughts. So if you generally tend to think positively, then positive things will happen to you, whereas negativity attracts further negativity, pessimism and bad luck.
How to use the Law of Attraction
Assuming this is true (skeptics – don’t bother reading on), then to make the Law of Attraction work for you, it helps if you have a positive mindset. You need to start seeing the best in people and situations. Start seeing your glass as half full and not half empty. Even if a ‘bad’ thing happens to you, thank the experience, be grateful for the lesson it’s taught you, and keep moving through life with positive expectation. This is the key. Our thoughts and feelings attract the experiences we have.
How does the Law of Attraction relate to Cosmic Ordering?
By being clear on what we want, and having a positive state of expectancy that we’re going to get what we want, and focusing on the positive, and just on what we want (ignoring what we don’t want), the universe responds to the thoughts we are holding in our mind, to draw / attract / bring to us, the experiences that we are thinking about. “Cosmic ordering” can best be described as the process of asking the universe for what you want. On the front cover of one book, the quote states: Mark 11:24 – “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”. So, despite what we may call it, these ideas have roots in biblical times and have been around for many thousands of years. It may have been renamed and revamped, but the idea, method and process is still the same.
Thoughts Are Things
Thoughts have a magnetic vibrational frequency to them. Think of ‘a thought’ as being a solid object – like a table, (just invisible). It has substance, just not to the naked eye. Think about every thought leaving your mind (the broadcasting station), flying out into space to find a similar thought which it can attach itself to. These thoughts get together and eventually become so heavy (dense in vibration), that they manifest into our reality, so that we can see them with our eyes. Although I’m not a ‘scientist’, this is the best explanation I give you to explain what is going on with the law of attraction. Basically, we’re drawing to ourselves experiences that are resonating on the same vibrational frequency as our main / dominating thoughts. This is the importance of thinking positively, because its positive experiences that we want to manifest into our reality.
How Vision Boards Can Help
You cannot do or have anything that you can’t picture yourself having or doing first. The mind first needs to be convinced. Otherwise, it won’t happen. This is why doubters, naysayers and sceptics are so dangerous because they kill dreams. You need to surround yourself with like-minded, positive, happy people – who’ll support you in your dreams and goals. And make sure that you picture yourself in a positive way, doing, having, being exactly what it is you want to do, be or have. When this picturing is conscious and deliberate – you become the person you want to be, and the results manifest themselves around you. Some people will make lists about what they want, or just ‘think’ about it, but a vision board is whereby you take pictures of what you want to experience, (use the internet or a glossy magazine), cut them out, and put them on a board, in a prominent and dominate position, where you’ll see it daily. Pictures speak to the subconscious mind, and can help you to start focused on what you want. And if you have a picture in mind – this is what your subconscious mind will be attracting to you – whether you are consciously aware or not. If you want to know more about the subconscious mind, and how the mind is like a computer, a very good book to check out is Turbo Success by Ron G Holland, which looks at the RAS (Reticular Activating System), and how we run on “programmes” – almost like being on autopilot. It’s a very easy-to-understand book, and it will help you to understand behaviour patterns such as self-sabotage. How we do it to ourselves, and how we can fix it.
Pictures Speak 1000 Words
Pictures speak to the subconscious mind, and if we think of the ‘mind’ as being in two – the conscious mind is only a small part. The subconscious (which regulates our breathing, our heartbeat, our body temperature – all on autopilot), is far more powerful… and then there is the super-subconscious which is buried even deeper. Words, speak to the conscious mind – we have to actively interpret them… but we can ‘see’ a picture and instantly just ‘know’ what that means to us. To speed up the law of attraction (have the picture manifest itself in the physical), what we need to do, the whole idea, is to experience the picture ‘as if’ its already been experienced… run a video in your minds eye, or just ‘imagine’ whatever the picture is depicting is already here. The key is to bring the feeling to the photo. Sit back, and “Imagine if”… is happening now. This is why its important to stay positive, because a sceptical person, or a negative person, won’t (deep down) believe it will or can happen to them… and that very belief and feeling, will keep the item from manifesting into their experience. Remember, we attract to us what we think about and believe. All the universe ever does is simply reflect your reality. It is a mirror / a reflection of you.
Other important Universal Laws
To further explain and help you understand what is going on with cosmic ordering, and the law of attraction, it’s useful to look at a few more universal laws. There is the universal law of REQUEST, which states that as soon as you are ready to ask for help you are ready to receive it. You are ready to accept the wisdom, and the higher powers (the cosmos, the universe) will align themselves to help you. It goes with the saying ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’ – and its true; Remember, all you have to do is ASK!
Then there is the Universal Law of ATTENTION & INTENTION! ATTENTION energizes (gives energy) to the Law of Attraction, which then pulls your desires to you! Whatever you put your ATTENTION on increases… It magnifies. It gets bigger. This is the importance of focusing on what you want – not what you don’t want. Too many people waste their time, effort and energy in getting caught up in everything that they don’t want, they moan, complain, bitch, whinge… and guess what? They get more of the same.
Mindset and Vocabulary
How we speak to ourselves (the voice in our heads) is very important too. Even if as you read this you think to yourself ‘oh it’s going to be very difficult’… ignore that voice and persist. Because eventually, with practise and over time, your mind will change and your hearts will change. It takes just as much effort (if not LESS) to be positive and optimistic than it does to be negative and pessimistic. The law of RESISTANCE states that what you resist PERSISTS… so, be aware of your vocabulary, especially if you have a tendency to use words such as: Don’t, Can’t, Won’t, Can’t, Not… as these all invoke the Law of Resistance. E.g. if you think, ‘I won’t ever find a perfect partner’ – then you are resisting the perfect partner. If you think e.g. ‘I don’t want to be poor’ – again, you are resisting. It all just rains your energy. So focus on, and embrace what you DO WANT!
Affirm things in the positive and present tense. Good examples of affirmations include: Money comes to me easily and frequently; I am a money magnet; I’m so happy and so free, the whole wide world says YES to me!; The perfect results are manifesting for me now; Calm and centred, quiet and still. I love myself and always will; everyone loves me etc., you can handwrite these on your vision board, and this will help you to align to the law of attraction.
Get Into The Right State if Mind – Clear Out!
Create a vacuum (a space) for better things to come into your life. If it means having a mental, emotional or physical clear out – then do it. The action of clearing out will create the space for the new to appear, and it’ll signal to the universe that you are ready. So throw out or donate old clothes, books and general ‘stuff’ and do so with an energy of gratitude. Thank those things for the purpose it’s served in your life, but just ‘know’ that better is on its way to you. Sometimes we have to give away the thing we want more of. This is called the universal law of FLOW. It helps if our energy doesn’t get stagnant… so if you are skint, donate money! If you have no time, volunteer! Be generous and this will come back to you (the law of Karma) – you reap what you sow.
Time – How Long Does This Take?!
The beauty of cosmic ordering, and the law of attraction, is that there is no set time limit. The universe doesn’t think linearly, in the way that we do. And orders can be instantaneous! Literally. You can step out of your front door… and who knows what might happen!!! However, the more you worry and doubt and fear the non-delivery of the order, or that ‘it won’t happen to me’ or ‘when will it be my turn?!’ etc., the more delayed the order will be. So, the best thing you can do, it just focus on what you want, get your vision board together, meditate on it daily, clear out and make space in your life, get ready to receive and keep the faith. Think, speak and ‘act as if’ the order has already arrived. Go about your daily routine without worry or fear. And remember that you are not ‘taking away’ from anyone else. There is more than enough to go round, and everyone wants different things anyway! If it’s meant for you, you’ll have it. In the waiting time in-between, just exercise patience and gratitude for everything that you DO have. Count your blessings. You are luckier than you realise.
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