6 Week Body Makeover – Eating at Restaurants Guide

Being on a diet can be stressful, especially when ordering food from restaurants. Restaurants tend to have high calorie foods and have limited nutritious choices for the more health conscious people. Here are some general guidelines when eating out so that you can continue to lose weight on the 6 Week Body Makeover while dining in a restaurant.

Remember, when you’re at a restaurant, you are the guest. Don’t be afraid to ask the server for special requests. Restaurants want your business and it’s their job to make you happy. Most restaurants will be happy to oblige certain requests in order to accommodate people with certain dietary needs. However, make sure to be polite when requesting special items.

Make sure that you’re specific when making a special food request. One blunder of eating out is your lack of knowledge of how the food is prepared. Some “healthy” items on a menu can actually be more fattening than you expected just by the way the restaurant prepares it. At home, you might cook your veggies with a small amount of oil and no salt. At a restaurant, they might use 5 spoonfuls of butter and throw on a lot of salt. You never know and that is why you should be specific and ask how food is prepared when ordering. Order and be as specific as possible and make sure to describe how you want it prepared. It’s all up to you on what you want when at a restaurant.

When with your friends, make sure to order last. When people are first, they feel like they are rushed. Since you will need more time than others, let everyone order first. Try and be nonchalant about your order and order without fussing. You do not want to feel embarrassed about your menu item. People might think you’re pretentious when making special requests, but remember, you are trying to lose weight.