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The Christ, Ratu Adil & Satria Piningit–revealed?! Part 1

The Great Expectation

At this crucial point of transition between the world-cycles of the Piscean and the Aquarian Age, and with all the suffering and pain that humanity is experiencing–the various injustices that tyrants are afflicting the innocent masses, not to mention the descent of negative karma in its myriad of forms as described in Revelations as the “seven last plagues,” it is understandable that humanity cry-out for a Saviour to save it from a sensed future destruction. The way greed, separatism, racialism, egoism, corruption, conflict, fanaticism, terrorism, and ignorance are being expressed in politics, religion, business and corporate institutions, and social life, it seems that there can only be one possible outcome in the immediate future and that is the total destruction of the human race, or at least the kind of human civilization that we have come to know. The decadence of morality, the ignorance of the purpose and goal of life, the degeneration of cultural values, the exploitation of natural resources and human beings, ecological imbalances, and the misuse and abuse of technology, all of these have brought mankind to the brink of possible extinction; or to the imaginable return to a primitive condition as a result of a natural or a man-made holocaust–as scientific predictions foretell. It is the same story of Atlantis all over again. The potential destruction of human civilization lies at the end of every evolutionary phase of the world. It is the darkness just before the dawn.

The Vishnu Purana prophesied what would occur at the end of the Kali Yuga, our present world-cycle, or the “Jaman Edan (Insane Age)” of the Indonesian King, Jayabaya, who lived centuries ago:

“Thus in the Kali Yuga shall decay constantly proceed until the human race approaches annihilation. When the close of the Kali Age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who exists in his own spiritual nature, Kalki Avatara, shall descend upon earth, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties. He will establish righteousness upon earth . . . “

And again:

“There will be temporal monarchs, reigning over the earth, kings of churlish spirit, violent temper and addicted to constant falsehood and cruelty. They will inflict death on women and children and they will seize upon the property of their subjects. Their lives will be short, their desires insatiable. People of various countries will intermingle. Wealth will decrease, until the world will be wholly demoralized. Thus in the Kali Age, will decay continue. Then at the end of the Kali Yuga, the Kalki Avatar will descend upon earth. He will establish righteousness.”

Whether the destruction of civilization would actually occur rests fully on the shoulders of each and every habitant of this planet. We have the choice of progressing or regressing, evolving or devolving; the choice of obeying or violating Cosmic law and harmony. In order to survive this millennium and to ameliorate our future and the future of our children, our children’s children, it is expedient that we improve the quality of our morality, our consciousness, our awareness, our mentality; in fact, our holistic being. Humans, in general, feel weak in dealing with social and political problems and so are on the look-out for some charismatic figure who would solve its problems; and yet, within Man lies uncovered tremendous wisdom, power, and love that could establish goodwill among men, brotherhood, unity, peace, and cooperation. One of our basic problems is that we mistakenly believe that our religion, path, doctrine, teaching, perspective, party, group, etc., to be the only Truth and wish to impose it upon others. Does not Light have various colors? Does not the beauty of a diamond shine because of its many facets?

Beneath this fear and trepidation of a prospect of total annihilation that besets mankind, a ray of hope lives on in the hearts of humanity for the advent of an authoritative spiritual figure to guide mankind away from its follies and to initiate and implement certain changes in a positive and constructive direction leading toward a Golden Age, or an utopian civilization where the rights and freedom of every individual, group, race, creed, and nation are respected and honored; where all suffering and pain are eradicated; where every tear is wiped away by the hand of God; where the streams overflow with milk and honey; where justice, righteousness, and goodwill toward all beings rule in the hearts of every man, woman, and child. The above quotation from the Vishnu Purana mentions this Saviour, the Kalki Avatar, and what he will establish is the long awaited Kingdom of Heaven made manifest on earth–the New Jerusalem, a kingdom that every pious Christian, and almost every being hope to one day be a part of. The Kalki Purana also mentions this Saviour, and his response to the cries of humanity:

“At your request I shall take birth in the abode of Shamballa. I shall again place the two rulers, Maru and Devapi, on earth. I shall create Satya-Yuga and restore the Dharma to its former condition and after destroying the serpent Kali, I shall return to my own abode.”

Even Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita declares his appearance at various intervals in the world of form:

“Whenever sacred duty decay and chaos prevails, then, I create myself, Arjuna. To protect men of virtue and destroy men who do evil, to set the standard of sacred duty, I appear in age after age.” (Chap. 4, 6-7)

What sort of a person is this Saviour? What are his or her characteristics? What will the Savior’s main objective be? How will the Savior function? What cosmic principle would he embody or emphasize in his teachings? What aspect of God would he promulgate? Will he display “supernatural” signs or miracles? Where and when will the Savior appear or re-appear? Is it true that this Saviour is one of the ancient prophets or spiritual leaders come again? Is this Saviour a myth or is he real? Is the Savior an impersonal principle within the higher consciousness of man? How may we recognize the Saviour? What will this Saviour really save us from? And what is Salvation? Who are the two rulers, Maru and Devapi mentioned above? Are they one and the same as the saviors expected by Indonesians–Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit?

Before continuing with our main theme, perhaps we should deal briefly with the subject of salvation. Salvation goes by many names: moksha, enlightenment, perfection, Self-realization, etc. Humanity’s biggest enemy is Ignorance, and all world saviours since the beginning of time have sought to awaken humanity from its spiritual slumber. Ignorance is mental darkness, whereas knowledge is light. Salvation is the act of kindling and nourishing a spiritual flame within the heart and soul that it may once again shine brightly and recognize, merge, and unite with its Source. We must emerge out of the limited point of view that there is a “chosen people” who will be saved by a representative of the Supreme Being. The chosen people are those who choose to be saved, and not chosen by some Intelligence. Messiahs and spiritual teachers of the past have outlined a way for us to follow that leads to salvation, but we allow our primitive natures to take control instead. The newly-awakened soul yearns for salvation for various reasons. Below we quote from one of the monthly periodical of the Self-Realization Fellowship the various reasons why we should desire Salvation:

Why Do We Desire to Attain Salvation?

Because we realize that this life of ours is unreal, uncertain and painful.

Because we realize that all worldly pleasure is momentary and mingled with pain.

Because we realize that the senses are never satisfied with indulgence.

Because we will then be greater than the greatest earthly monarch.

Because we will then possess the things really worth having and desire for none else.

Because we will then transcend Maya or delusion.

Because we will then be freed from this life of birth, death and perpetual misery.

Because it is only then that we will realize and attain our real Self.

Because we will then be on the path from which there is no returning.

Because it is only then that we can be of constant service to humanity.

Because we will then have no desires to possess as there will exist nothing else other than ourselves.

Because we will then live eternally in a state of perfect knowledge and everlasting bliss.

Because we will then attain the highest ever attainable.

Because we will then be with God.

Because we will then ourselves be one with God.

But to return from our digression: Almost every religion is on the edge of expectancy. Every religion expects its saviour to arrive on earth’s platform to perform his (or her) miracle to reward its followers. Some individuals with fanatic leanings, with a fundamentalistic and an extreme outlook, would also hope for the Saviour’s glorification of their religion and its believers, and the destruction of the other religions together with their followers. Such fanatics speak of the freedom of religion–mainly theirs. Should we probe into their hearts, we find that it makes no difference to them should the other religions be suppressed or its followers persecuted. We inquire, could such separatism and sectarianism be tolerated by an enlightened spiritual being? Are not all beings one and the same in the eyes of God? Do not all religions have a single source? In the eyes of any enlightened, intelligent person, SARA1 is absurd and makes no sense. No spiritual being would appear to strengthen the human ego or cause separatism among the sparks of God indwelling in human breasts.

The ways of God are not the ways of men; men look at the form aspect and create disunity, God looks at the spirit within the form and sees only one humanity–all “fragmented” parts of Himself. We, therefore, affirm that it is impossible for God to destroy that which is a part of Himself, for the many forms that exist in the relative worlds are but illusions; in reality, there is only the Absolute, the divine God-Presence, God-Essence and God-Consciousness. All are One. The Quran affirms that God dwells in all men, thus it would seem if we were to attack others in any way, we would in truth be attacking a manifestation of God; if we were to snuff-out the life out of a man, we would be snuffing-out God’s representative:

“And certainly We created Man, and We know what his mind suggests to him, and We are nearer to him than his life-vein.” (Quran Qaf 50:16)

God being nearer to man than his “life-vein” indicates that God is the very life within us! Religionists and fundamentalists–beware (be-aware)! Acts of terrorism and “jihads” or “holy wars” are the very doctrines violating Truth. The Prophet Mohammad (Peace be unto Him), declares that the real “jihad” takes place in one’s being–a war against one’s lower self, ignorance and spiritual blindness . . .

Could it be that this mysterious Saviour (no matter in what form) will arrive shortly not on behalf of any religion or creed but for the sake of the whole human race? We respond with a definite “yes” and maintain that should a divine messenger of God, or a Saviour should appear, he or she would not establish any existing religion as the sole religion for humanity or that he would formulate any new religion. We stress that it is not religion that he would teach, but true spirituality, which we understand to be the essence and the living spirit of all the various religions of the world. True spirituality is Truth, naked and unappareled, free from all man-made dogmas that simply cause confusion; and it is this Truth that the Saviour will embody and proclaim, aside from the latest revelation of the Spirit. The representatives or disciples of the Saviour, Ratu Adil (the “Queen of Justice”), and Satria Piningit (“the Hidden Knight”) would likewise emulate the Saviour and promulgate this spiritual ideology. The Saviour, Ratu Adil, and Satria Piningit will represent the three aspects of divinity : love/wisdom, will/power, and intelligence/activity, respectively.

We know that Christianity is waiting for the Christ, that Islam is anticipating Imam Mahdi, that Buddhism expects Maitreya Buddha, that Hinduism awaits Kalki Avatar, and that the Jews are looking for their Messiah. Could these unidentified persons or seemingly known personalities be one and the same? The disciples and initiates of lofty spiritual beings know that this is indeed the case and that the Saviour holds the planetary title within the spiritual government of the world (of which we will explain shortly) as the Cosmic Christ. He formerly held the post of World-Teacher. However, whether the Cosmic Christ or the present World-Teachers will actually appear in person or influence the world directly through the heart of humanity or indirectly through their disciples or all of these, is another matter altogether.

We have often emphasized the necessity of manifesting the Saviour, or the qualities of the Saviour in our own hearts and souls, and acting on behalf of the Saviour, or more specifically, expounding his teachings in world affairs. This is something that every spiritual aspirant should do regardless whether the Saviour would personally and physically appear or not. Though a Saviour may be found without in the external, mundane world, the real Saviour lies within the depth of the soul. Though a Saviour may exist without, let us not waste time by waiting senselessly and irrationally. As Paul said:

“. . . behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” Corinthians 6:2


“. . . work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Philipians 2:12

The danger in seeking external saviours lies in the propensity of men to idolize them, and to set up a cult surrounding their personalities. As soon as one is attached to the Saviour, or Teacher, one loses both the Teacher and the Teaching. Should one focus more on the Teaching, one gains them both. Humanity makes a big mistake by glorifying its spiritual teachers instead of living the precepts and teachings that they convey.

Here in Indonesia we designate our Saviours as Ratu Adil, meaning “Queen of Justice” and Satria Piningit, or “Hidden Knight.” Their advent had long been prophesied by Prabu (King) Jayabaya–who lived in the twelfth century–and by other mystics of the Kraton in the following centuries. How are they related to the Cosmic Christ, or are they likewise one and the same? We will attempt to answer these questions in this present work, however, we would caution the reader to realize that the contents of this paper are of our own interpretation and understanding of metaphysics and occultism as a whole, as correlated with the meager information that we possess regarding Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit, and therefore, that it should not be considered as the absolute truth or the final word eventhough we were inspired and directed to write it by superior intelligences. Information concerning the identities of Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit dawned upon us without even our having to seek it. It amazes us that the solution was before our very eyes without realizing it. We will, however, leave it to your own hearts, intuition and reason to appraise the things that we will reveal.

In this paper we will not belabor on how the socio-consciousness of humanity gave rise for the need of saviors, rather we will simply base our revelation on the occult fact that the principles or archetypes of these saviors exists on the higher spiritual levels of life within the Cosmic Mind of God and only need to determine how they will manifest in the world of form, whether through an individual(s), through a group-consciousness, or through an awakening within the heart of humanity of the characteristics that these archetypal saviors represent.

We know that most people, especially paranormals, scholars, and the followers of Kejawen, have already certain fixed notions and preconceived the nature and characteristics of Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit. For instance, they say (based upon ancient prophecies) that these beings possess certain physical and psychological traits, possess certain pusakas (sacred objects), etc. They might be right so far as it goes, but from our viewpoint, certain things should not be taken too literally; and so, if we were to present a different view-point, it might be rejected in toto without any due personal consideration and reflection by those who have already crystallized their minds. This is certainly a hurdle towards one’s approach to truth. Preconceptions and assumptions when held strictly without any flexibility results in fanaticism and separatism. These conditions are not to be condoned for they just add violence to social expressions and prolong the state of human misery. We appeal to men and women everywhere to be open-minded. Why do we make such an appeal? For God, or any enlightened, spiritual being for that matter, usually do not conform to human expectations and beliefs, and hardly care for human opinions; and human notions and preconceptions adamantly held, may prevent us from accepting truth reflecting in its many facets.

To illustrate this, let us consider the advent of the Master Jesus two thousand years ago. Before his birth and emergence from society to carry-out his ministry, the Jews expected a militant Messiah-figure that would free them from Roman imperialism and colonization, and establish a new Jerusalem. It turned out that Jesus, the avatar sent to humanity, had ideas and ways not conforming to their concepts and notions of a Messiah and the things that he was supposed to do. The Jews, therefore, rejected the Master Jesus and still await their Messiah to this very day. In a sense, however, they might be right. Jesus may not be the Messiah of the Jews. Who knows, perhaps they will find fulfillment in the so-called parousia, the “second-coming.” There have indeed been many claims to Messiahship after Jesus, such as Menahem, son of Judah; and Simon bar Kozeba–both political and military leaders. Nevertheless, none were completely accepted as the Messiah by the whole Jewish community.

What occurred two thousand years ago could well happen nowadays. We expect the Saviour, Ratu Adil, or Satria Piningit to conform to our expectations, and yet, when and if they should appear in a guise unknown to us and with teachings directly conflicting with our pet-beliefs, we would reject them altogether. The possibility is there.

[Note: This paper contains images which may be seen as originally published at our website]

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore


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