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Meet Singlesclassifieds ,and testimonials and Meet Singles ideas

Hello, to the whole world. We humbly bid you welcome to our Meet Singles community. We are upgrading features on a weekly basis. We always have new members coming in from all around the world. This is sure to find you the person of your dreams no matter who you are. 502 Meet Singles has gone global in our attempts to bring the world true and lasting love. We are now advertising in more than one hundred and fifty countries. We have active profiles from one hundred and forty six different countries. These profiles are from single men and single women just like you. They are from all age backgrounds (18 and over) and are from different religious faiths, and from different cultures. We offer you guys all over the planet short term Meet Singles and long term Meet Singles profiles. We do this to please a large crowd. Not all members are interested in the short term thing. And  we appreciate this. That’s why we have the simple profile tab, but some folks want   a long term long term relationship. And some singles even want to go further that this, and get a soul mate. That’s why we have the advanced profile tab. This is for people from all over the world that want to find a life partner or want to get married. Our 502 Meet Singles appeals to people from all walks of life. So were certain that everyone can setup a profile and be loved.  502 Meet Singles really has some good features. We give single women and single men the capability to add a video to their profile page. They can upload the video from there computer or from there phone. This allows men and women the ability to see what the other person sounds like and gives a brief description of the person’s personality. We also allow you guys to post Meet Singles   blogs and to feature them. This is the way you can share your thoughts and others that are interested can read them and tell you what they think. We also recently have added a cool new feature. It’s the video messaging system 300. You can instant message people and they can see you from your webcam. This will allow you that warm intimate cozy feeling while chatting with one another. We also have our sites setup where you can rate other members videos, blogs, forums and even add there profile to your favorites. This and many more exciting  Meet Singles features await you , but most importantly true love is waiting around the corner.  Go ahead and take a leap of faith setup a free profile today. We would love to have you as a new member. And we would bet that many existing members would love your company. Remember folks we have all races and all religious backgrounds. And we are located on all seven continents. And we have Meet Singles profiles from one hundred forty six countries. This will ensure that when you make the decision to start Meet Singles we can have someone that you can be very comfortable with. Thanks for stopping by and we look forward to you using our Meet Singles community for all of your singles needs. Please feel free to setup a free profile right away. Please tell all of your single male and single female friends about the worlds best Meet Singles community, so they can find true and everlasting love just like thousands of others have here on 502 Meet Singles . By clicking on the next tab at the bottom of this Meet Singles page you can follow thru and you can browse fifty featured female and fifty featured male Meet Singles classifieds. Each one will have a link titled Meet Singles profile so when you see one you like just follow thru the link to his or her profile, where you can send them messages or rate there profiles. Go ahead setup a free profile right away and see who we could match you up with. We just may find you your special dream love. You will be glad you joined 502 Meet Singles we promise.

Top Meet Singles clasifieds:

Meet Singles classified one

Hello men I am Amber this is my Meet Singles classified I am posting. I want to explain a little about myself. I am very tall six one and weigh one hundred forty eight pounds. I love my self  and others around me. I’m clean and kind and love to laugh. I am using this Meet Singles community to post my classified in hopes of finding a great guy. My ideal partner should be tall like me blonde and handsome. I prefer him to be clean and well kept. Also education and economical background is crucial to me. I cant down size in social status. I have a lot of hobbies , but my favorite one is of coarse reading. I enjoy this pass time because it exercises the mind and helps me grow as a person. I think a romantic date should include the two of us getting to know each other over dinner and coffee. Nothing to serious first because it’s just the first date and of coarse I’m a real ladie and want the respect of a ladie.

Meet Singles classified two

Hello guys my name is April I wanted to say first off I love my body it’s a temple. I love life and am a very honest girl. I love to cook and clean. I know I can make a good girlfriend to a good guy. I am very attractive and smart as well. I always try to be funny and get a laugh out of people. I’m looking for short term Meet Singles I really don’t want anything to serious right at the moment. I just got out of a four year relationship. I need my ideal partner to be a real sweet and romantic gentleman. I want him to be humorous and gentle and some what warm and witty with a genuine grand heart and brave and out spoken personality. I like a guy gentle to the touch but ruff and rugged on the inside. All so I think he should be well educated and have a great career  as well as speak great in social settings. I guess my hobbies would include chess. I love a good mind exercise. I love to get the mental advantage over another person. A romantic date would include my prince charming showing up bearing gifts chocolates and of coarse what girl doesn’t go nuts for those bright red roses. So the red roses is definitely  a must or you will be told to leave and find another date. Want to know anymore about me please follow thru my link titled Meet Singles and leave me a message I’ll get back with you as soon as possible.

Meet Singles classified three:  

Hi there guys I am Audrey. I am a short girl at five two I am around one hundred and eight pounds. I love to kid around and cut up. I was  raised in the country and I am single yet again and looking to use this great Meet Singles community to try to rekindle my love life. I can be a hassle or be your dream girl. To find out what I mean message me. My ideal partner should be tall vibrant and strong minded. I want a guy that isn’t scared of commitment or falling in love. I want a man that will treat me like a princess. My favorite hobbies are board games I always have been a bit of a Milton bradley girl. I love t play board games with guys. I don’t know why I just do. It also makes for a fun and very coy date night when you cant afford a real date. A romantic date idea would be us holding hands walking in the park. Or maybe watching the sun fade away in that big blue sky siting by the docks.

Meet Singles classified four

What is up fellows? I’m Alice I try to keep my life stress free. I have two daughters ages nine and twelve. I am a single parent and expect the guy I am Meet Singles to be understanding of this sensitive matter. I am a police officer and love my work my job is third shift. Can you work around all of this is what’s coming to my mind? If you can I’ll make it worth your while. I have a lot of free time in the evening due to the fact that I sleep in the morning.

 guess my ideal partner would be witty and charming and considerate of me and my two girl’s  needs. He should be professional in the work force. And a big coffee drinker is a plus. Above all I need him to except my kids for who they are they are growing up really quickly  and could use a real mature male role model. Well enough on the small talk here is a short detailed message or list whatever you want to call it about my list of hobbies. I have several hobbies but my most and favorite would be boring to some but it means something to me is watching my ducks fly over my two and a half acre pond. It replenishes my body mind and spirit. I guess a real romantic date would be going to a local theater and getting some buttered pop corn and snuggling up with you wathing a great classic sappy love story. If you want to know more please message me and we cant get aqquainted.

Meet Singles classified five:  

Alissa  here for all your fantasys. I’m a virgin… not really you should stop sleeping with dumb girls dude its really starting to rub off on you. I’m a retired school teacher. I’ve been teaching eighth grade math for 40 years. I love being single and retired sometimes it has it’s perks. I do often get bored and lonley sometimes though. So I seen this advertisement for this Meet Singles community and thought what the hell! I think I need a mature buck in my life again.  One that can satisfy a mature womens needs. And be young enough to keep up with me. I need a gent that is open minded. I want a person that can laugh at himself and that is willing to grow with me as long as our relationship is moving forward. My favorite hobby is white water rafting it makes me fell like a little girl again. I have done this every since I was a young child.  I cant seem to give it up either. Well a romantic date should be an out door picnic for two under the sweet warm blanket of the beloved Southern sun. If you want to know a little bit more please follow thru the link titled Meet Singles and visit my updated profile. I have several new pictures  you’ll love.

Meet Singles classified six:

Hello men I am Allana  I just graduated college with a degree in  accounting. I am single and looking to start a new relationship. I am a true country gal at heart but I live and work in the city. I am a very traditional girl and am very vibrant and straight forward. I want to start Meet Singles at first and see how things go. My guy should be college educated and have a good clear head on his shoulders. And have a good set of ethics he follows faithfully.  I want him to be able to give himself in a relationship. He must aquire a genuine warmth from the soul. My favorite little hobby would most defiantly be sewing it’s my life outside of work. It really relieves some tensions caused by the work day.  I also sew to add extra income for the month. I think a romantic date would be the two of us joining hands and and sharing intimate conversation over a candle lit dinner. Well boys want to know anything else of this true country gal leave me a message maybe we’ll start Meet Singles soon.

Meet Singles classified seven

 I am Alicia and am a single female that has recently been divorced. I attend college classes online to try and better my pretty little self. I am a very neat and clean person. I am writing this Meet Singles classified to find a life partner. I am looking to start a long term relationship. My ideal partner should be very humble and very modest and most of all e a true macho male. I prefer he didn’t smoke and be of the same religion that I am. He must have a strong desire to succeed in personal life as well as professional life. My favorite hobby is a bit unique and not well known, but it’s one that which I personally enjoy. It’s aircraft spotting. You lay around the big open blue sky and see how many airplanes you can spot during any give amount of time. I know it’s a little weird but it passes the time and clears my head. And lets me be a bit different from the rest of the crowd. A romantic date in my opinion would be a smooth day at the beach sunning and being real romantic with each other. We could swim a while and wade the water and see how many sea shells we can collect. Well fellow singles if you like my Meet Singles classified ad message me to see if we can be compatible on a few fronts.

Meet Singles classified eight

Hi guys my sweet little name is Bridget. I would like to describe myself to you. I am one hundred and five pounds and only five feet tall. So I know I am a real petite girl to start with. So anyways I was interested in long term Meet Singles relationships. So I usually am shy right out of the gate. But once you get to know me I’m a real chatter box. I know when you hang out with me you will like me a lot. I am wanting to meet a tall man and a real big man if you catch my drift. He must be handsome as well as well kept and neat. I need you to except me for me. I often get moody and irritated and sometimes sassy but I also can be sharing and understanding and giving of my self. I think an ideal partner would be thoughtful and very warm within the soul. And be kind towards me at all times. My favorite hobby is would really have to be amateur astronomy. I love the stars and anything pertaining to outer space. The sky is really awesome at night especially when the crickets chirp away. Well in conclusion I want to make very blunt and clear to you gentlemen that I love me some water and a romantic date of coarse would be something to do with water. Maybe go touring around online together and see some real nice flowing water falls.

 Meet Singles classified nine

What’s good to my single Alabama fellows? Hi there my name is Briana I am a very happy and uplifted and sort of kindred spirited gal. I am a lawyer I’ve been practicing law for around twelve years now. I am open to try new things in life and in my Meet Singles relationships. I guess an ideal Meet Singles partner would have to be able to understand me number one. And be patient and kind to others and myself in everyday life. I want a guy that will start out Meet Singles on the week ends and then hopefully we can progress to a lot more serious. I also wasn’t a real and intense love in my love a true passionate loving man. My hobby is amateur radio. I took broadcasting in school and grew a slow liking to it. And would like to invite you to enjoy my passion of this weird hobby of mine. Now that’s out of the way I want you to know I think a romantic date would be going to a creek bank and fishing nude in the dark together as a couple.

Meet Singles classified ten

Hey there my name is holly wellin I’m looking to meet  some new and single guys. I am very nice to all people and work every day. I own my own practice I am a medical doctor. I have been self employed  for nine years. I wanted a Meet Singles partner that is looking for a serious relationship. I think a good partner would be a clean shaved male that is intelligent and above all faithful. And must be a honest Christian . I think being local is very important. How would the relationship work if you were from a distant state? My favorite hobby is baseball for I am a true American girl at heart even though I was born in Sweden.  It’s an all American sport and once more I’m an all American gal. It’s a real easy sport to play and it’s widely excepted. I’ve been playing the game since I was a little girl. I think a nice first date would be us going to the beach and then going out in the sea and going snorkeling together. We could count the fishes under the sea and picnic on the nude beach afterwards.

Meet Singles classified eleven

Hey boys you ever fell in love with a fitness trainer or properly titled instructor. My name is Britanny smith I work out a lot and enjoy taking people to there fitness peek. I started working out in high school but didn’t follow thru intil  college.  I really want to start  Meet Singles  again and hope to find a serious love. I might even be interested in a long term relationship if the right guy came along.  I believe my ideal partner should be a true Christian male. I want a guy that is cleaver and sincere and cares for girls that he is Meet Singles. I also want a man that is a good provider no excuses. My hobby is a pretty popular one. I started playing basketball in high school. I was drafted in college but pulled out due to an ankle injury. I think a romantic date would be a night in the hot tub while drinking a few mixed drinks watching a good romantic movie with a serial killer twist. Just kidding, unless your into that sort of thing.

Meet Singles classified twelve

Hi Beth here looking for love and wanted to post this Meet Singles classified to see who’s eye I could catch. I am a high school gym coach. I love to stay in shape and I love to teach so it seemed like a good career choice. I am very honest and have a bubbly personality. I am interested  in a long term Meet Singles relationship. I want an ideal partner  that is true to me as well as true in his dealings with others. I  want a guy that can spoil me and take me to new levels in a relationship. He must be a real man and be faithful towards  me and give me a lot of time. My favorite pass time or hobby is beachcombing. That’s searching the beach for lost treasure or any coins of value. Well now here comes the daisy a romantic date would be the two of us attending my garden . I love gardening and would love to show you a few of my new tricks I learned from a class I took last spring.

Meet Singles classified thirteen.

Brenda is my name I want  to share with you a few facts about myself. I am very tall 5’11 and weigh around 148 pounds. I am single and open to change. I am a swim instructor. I love swimming everyday. And have had this peeve for swimming every since early childhood. I want to start Meet Singles again to find love and fill the deep void in my life. My ideal partner would be tall and good looking. I surely would expect him to be to be of a faithful nature and a well kept man. I want a guy that can give me a new Meet Singles experience . My new hobby is fun and called bead work. I generally take my bead work to the local flea market to sell I make good. I make necklaces and bracelets for the wrist and ankles. A true and totally romantic date could be renting a arena and going ice skating  together. I think this would be really different from the norm thus better.

Meet Singles classified fourteen.

Hi men I am Clara tried to be single for awhile and really ain’t  enjoying  the solo life. I wanted to post this Meet Singles classified to expose my self to potential single men that are big hearted. I work  forty hours a week as a financial advisor. I only can enjoy Meet Singles on weekends or after hours. I think my ideal partner should share my background and heritage. As well as my cultural beliefs. I want a guy that is mature and has a good job and straight forward approach to life. This might be a little strange to some folk but my favorite hobby is beat boxing. Was raised in the 1980’s era and tried beat boxing and used it for pass time. A good date would be the two of us cuddled up on the leather sofa watching old re- runs of the super bowl. I know men would enjoy this.

Meet Singles classified fifteen:  

Hey folk my name is Carissa I make fairly good money and love what I do. I am a stock clerk girl at the local super market. I bag grocerys and sweep up. I am single I haven’t done any real Meet Singles in close to four years. I got out of a long relationship and wanted to remain single for a while to see how long I could be independent on my own. I am a good girl for a relationship if you invest time in me I’ll do the same. I think a well rounded and handsome educated man would be a great match for me.  I want to start Meet Singles a man that is strong minded and has a lot of love to give. Want to know more message me. My hobby is a bit different it is belly dancing. I love to entertain men and this gives me the opportunity to do so. A fun first date would be the two of us having a little fun playing video games. 

Meet Singles classified sixteen.

Hey boys I am Carry and wanted to tell a little of my self. I am a office manager. I worked hard for ten years to get this covenant position. I am single and wanted to start Meet Singles . I am very kind and generous with my mate. I want a very active sex life with my man to whom I’m Meet Singles. I want a guy I can be friends with and be compatible with as well. My version of a ideal partner is a all around great guy. By this I mean that he should have his head on his shoulders. He should have a clear focus on life both personally and professionally. He should be a non smoker and work a good job every day. I love to stay in shape and I want really strong legs so I have adopted bicycling as a new part time hobby. My version of a romantic date probably would consist of something like kick ball it ill get the blood flowing for some more personals adult activity’s later that evening.

Meet Singles classified seventeen.

Hi guys I’m Dawn I am a very single very attractive  very mature store clerk. I work forty hours a week plus some over time on week ends. I am very neat and I am very open to try new things in a relationship if it helps us grow together. I would want a partner that would share my goals and beliefs. I want a guy that is serious in all of his Meet Singles relationships. My favorite hobby is bird watching. I love the outdoors and love birds so it seemed like the choice hobby a good first date for me would be a trip to the water park so we could go water sliding. I love the water and it may be really exciting fun and adventurous. My religious beliefs are so very important to me  I am of the Baptist faith and I cherish this and wont date a man unless he’s from the same faith. No exception or any change to the rule of thumb. I am  a all American girl interested in Meet Singles and starting a relationship with a fellow American man only!  Single white female looking for a single white male and no changing that either. My goals would include but not be limited to uplifting myself spirit and advancing myself in the work force. Well my most beloved and cherished value is of coarse love. Others are respect and trust.

Meet Singles classified eighteen.

Hi how are you singles doing tonight?  I’m . doing well in life as we speak. My name is Donna and I work as a pharmacy tech at a local drug store. I want to start  Meet Singles a true gentlemen. Someone with a clear head and a great big heart. My ideal partner would be a well oiled machine. Someone  that can grab life by the tail. And be full of spirit and life all of the time.  I want a guy that has a good job and can laugh at himself from time to time. My favorite hobby is of coarse Bmx that’s right a girl that can ride and do some bike tricks. I rode a bike since I was a little girl. Romantic date would be a bit adventurous  I want to go moped riding I like Bmx  so much. I would like to start Meet Singles you so message me right now.

Meet Singles classified nineteen.

Howdy boys of the Meet Singles world. I am a semi attractive female31 years of age from Alabama. I work everyday as a professional nanny. My name is Denise I weigh 140 pounds and stand 5 ft. 3 inches tall. I want to start a long term  relationship with a real good guy maybe settle down and have a few kids in the near future.  My ideal partner might be someone who could be smart or funny and open to change. Also what is really important is his ability to be successful in his personal life as well as in the professional realm as well. I have a few hobbies but will only list my favorite one. The drive range is my favorite hobby  I think it’s really cool that women are playing golf these days. My religion is important. I wish to start Meet Singles someone with the same religious faith as I have.

Meet Singles classified twenty.

  1. So for here on out we want you to know that if you follow thru the link titled next you will run into another page that will feature some 90 Meet Singles ideas and you will be able to follow thru a link for each Meet Singles idea and visit the persons profile that wrote the idea.

Top 100 Meet Singles ideas.

Hello welcome friend to our humble community. We are going to post some ideas sent in by members for good date ideas. These ideas for Meet Singles don’t necessarily reflect our views or policy here at  502 Meet Singles but as a courtesy we have featured and posted these thoughts for our beloved members. Remember you do not have to try these or if you want you can as well. It’s solely up to you members.

Eric’s Meet Singles idea wrestling around. A fun idea that could often lead to a lot more if your gentle. She make think its silly at first but she’ll come around if she cares for you.

Rob’s Meet Singles idea play tag. Go outside and have a little fun  this afternoon play tag together or even hide and seek. Just enjoy each other and be yourself.

Randall’s Meet Singles idea you could visit fountains. You could go around city to city visiting fountains. You also could thro in coins and make a romantic wish to win her love. That would be a great time together.

Mike’s Meet Singles idea most local amusement parks have bumper cars. Why don’t you too love birds go there for the day and enjoy banging into each other with out the threat of being sued.

Lisa’s Meet Singles idea. You guys always could go for a little adventure. Why not try a bit of cross country skiing? Rent a cabin and go skiing for the weekend. Afterwards you could share some warm cocoa and share some good conversation or a good laugh together.

This page will feature five Meet Singles ideas from our members. And some nice pictures of them as well. Feel free to follow thru the links below titled Meet Singles you can then visit there profile page where you can see who posted the idea and even communicate with that certain man or women.

Sarah’s Meet Singles idea. If your into the outdoors and love the cold weather, why not try some snow skiing?  You can ski together and get to know one another a little bit. Or if your new to skiing try signing up for lessons and train to ski together. I bet you would have fun either way.

Beth’s Meet Singles idea. Let the wild side hangout. Go to your local park and get a couple of remote control cars and race them. You can feel young again if you’re a mature couple. Also you can gloat if you’re the winner. Or if you like you could even go as far as putting a small friendly bet on the race.

Belinda’s Meet Singles idea. Play pool on your first date. We all love the game and you will have tons of fun. Who knows while at the pup you may run into a couple of old friend’s.

Sharon’s Meet Singles idea. Canoeing is always fun and very adventurous. I just would bet anything if you took your girl to the river she would not only love it but she would remember it for a long time to come. She might even tell all of her friends. Then she might even start bragging on you. Don’t be shy ask your ladie to go canoeing this upcoming weekend.

Leza’s Meet Singles idea. Dart’s is and was always a cool way for me to relieve a little stress. I think if you wanted a fun date idea that wasn’t to expensive you always could throw some darts at his or her place. You might have a few drinks together afterwards  Who knows after that?   

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our page of featured Meet Singles ideas. This particular page will feature another five of our members Meet Singles ideas. It also will have a titled link on each idea for you to follow thru to the individual person that invented the idea in the first place. We also what you to know we’ll have a few photos  of the member posted as well.

Gene’s Meet Singles idea. Just  take off work this Friday a little early and head out to the local lake and rent a boat. You can pack a small picnic and once you arrive you could share dinner while watching the sun go down . Afterwards you could take a evening stroll out on the lake and   count the stars together.

Tim’s Meet Singles idea. Have you  ever went row boat riding? It’s really easy and romantic sitting across from one another and she can watch your muscles flex as you row the boat down the stream. Who knows you might make her heart float with this one.

Gina’s Meet Singles idea. Paintball guns, you two always could shoot paint balls at each other and once you are finished playing paint ball guns you can go shower off together and that could lead to something more. 

Leeann’s Meet Singles idea. Bowling sound interesting to anyone? I know a lot of my friends are on a league bowling these days so I thought  that a good idea for a date would be for you guys to take a evening off and go bowling together. It’s relatively inexpensive and will be so much fun.

Rita’s Meet Singles idea. Go get bundled up really warm and get packed. Go to the ski resort and rent a snow mobile and the two of you could go out one brisk morning and enjoy a little snowmobiling. It will definitely get your adrenaline flowing. That would be great for love making time afterwards.

Rachael’s Meet Singles idea. Play Frisbee at the town’s park. We all loved this game as kids. Who’s to say you couldn’t turn this fun recreational game into a great time you’ll both cherish and remember for sometime off. It doesn’t cost anything and it will keep you in shape. Go for it you’ll be glad you did.

 Jill’s Meet Singles idea. Dessert date this is good for the soul. If you love to cook you could always invite him over and cook him a nice dessert and watch a couple of sappy movies together while eating the freshly prepared dessert.

Tara’s  Meet Singles idea dance the night away in each others arms. Get the romance fired up and hit the dance floor running. What new couple wouldn’t love to go dancing? Let your romantic side show. Go ballroom dancing this very weekend coming up babe.

Joan’s Meet Singles idea Tag your it. Act like some silly kids again run around the back yard or park and play a very old fashion game of tag your it. Up the any a little bit the first one of you that gets tagged has to tell a dirty little secret about yourself to the other one.

Katie 1983s Meet Singles idea. Go a head and hit the greens. Head right out to the golf course and knock some balls together. Go try your luck at the golf coarse. You will enjoy it and you could snuggle up after you knock the ball down the field while ridding on the golf cart.

Kim’s Meet Singles idea. Knock yourself right out why don’t you love sicken birds go all out and after watching a movie you could go to the bedroom and have a pillow fight. Let your inner child out to play for the evening. What gal wouldn’t love a good knock down drag out with a feather pillow? Whop her over the head nicely over and over again! Afterwards you can ask her if she wants to kiss and make up. She should be willing to at least do that.

Betty’s Smiths Meet Singles idea, lets go cardio lets go exercise. All right ladies and gentlemen my idea for a romantic first date would be bicycling for two. Bike riding is super fun and affordable and healthy to boot. You can see all the towns sights while riding while you practice compromising and cooperating together since your on a bike for two.

Erica’s Meet Singles idea rub a dub in a car wash  tub. Get nice and clean with a little twist. You two love birds can play together in the water and get a chore done together at the same time. Get the car clean and clean each other up a little bit. We know this particular date is rare but it might be fun to try something different from what everyone else doe’s right.

Lisax13  Meet Singles idea is to go snowboarding because it’s a ton of winter fun. It’s adventurous and always a good idea for a date. Get bundled up nice and snug and get the snow board ready and jump right into the sloped wet snowy hill and slide right on down and climb right back up and do it again you’ll have a blast I swear it to you.

Laura’s Meet Singles idea is wet and wild and fun. Have you ever went snorkeling? This is the fastest and most fun  and cost efficient water sport known to man. Both of you guys should try this for a first date. You will not regret it. It could be very romantic if you turn up a little creativeness. 

Tonya’s Meet Singles idea, is surfing will get you full of spunk. If your near a coast like I am you should try a surfing class together for a Meet Singles idea. A afternoon riding the waves  together with a lunch afterwards would be nice. This would be a great story to tell friends family and co workers. Think of the time you guys can have smearing tanning lotion all over one another so you to love birds can tan instead of burning in the beach sun.

Lynn Rodgers Meet Singles idea is : Would you like to boggy board? Grab your boards  and get your boggy on. Pack your little lunch and grab a few towels and make a romantic day of it for the both of you. Ride the waves all day into the night on your boggy boards. Once it’s dark you can enjoy a candle lit picnic on the beach listening to the waves roar in. This is a Meet Singles romance she is sure to remember and probably reward you intensely for.

Shannon’s Meet Singles idea is a widely excepted event in the rural country area. It is tubing down a river. Grab an over sized tire or tractor inner tube and inflate the thing to proper proportion and load it in the truck and head on down to the local creek or river and get the party started by jumping of the bottom limbs of the bank tree and landing on the inflated tube and sail on down where ever the tube and river desires to take you and or your friends.

Leeona bridges Meet Singles idea is horseback riding it will steal her heart away. What little girl hasn’t dreamed of riding a pony? You can plan a evening of horseback riding and make her childhood dream become a reality. Man will she sure be willing to reward you for this one later after you get back from your romantic dinner at the towns most expensive restaurant.

Lakeesha’s Meet Singles idea: Do you men an women love the out doors? If you answered yes you could go out to the camp ground and camp together. You could snuggle up by the fire together and roast a few marshmallows together. Afterwards jump in a tent and share some stories.

Kelly peacock’s Meet Singles idea is to grab some pizza and a couple of pepsi’s and head to the coarse for some miniature golf. How ever loses gets one wish granted by the unfortunate loser. Everyone plays miniature golf. This is truly a classic for a first date. Hell she may give you some booty afterwards if you get her a meal.

Elizabeth’s Meet Singles idea : The water is always dangerous but if you practice safety it can be a true Meet Singles blast. Why not give white water rafting a try? An incentive is you could see how your date handles his self or her self under pressure. That could be worth it’s weight in gold.

Courtney farmer’s Meet Singles idea is yard work we know yard work stinks but rake-n-play could be a creative way to start a little romance in the front yard. For your first date you could rake up the front or back yard put the leafs in a large pile and roll around in them and laugh and share yourself with each other.

Kirsten’s Meet Singles idea is well I know this is really dumb but you could try something that probably  never been done before. Get some chalk out and play a friendly game of hop scotch. Winner gets to choose the way the rest of  evening unfolds. Wow amagine that.

She will have the power over you to control the evening, what girl wouldn’t want this romantic date?

Kim319  Meet Singles idea is efuct figuratively speaking. It’s climbing trees for a good time. Spend the whole afternoon climbing trees together. Afterwards you can lay out on a blanket and be lazy together or pack a great and quick snack share it together. She will love sharing a good tasting snack with the man she truly loves and will be inclined to be nice and respectful towards him for setting up this little endeavor. 

Tony danza’s Meet Singles idea is called broomball. It is very similar to the game of hokey. For fun you could play against each other. Or you could invite another couple over for a little play and get some team action going on. This should be a fun first date. If not it’s not my fault it’s just a idea or suggestion for you guys to go on.

Lori’s Meet Singles idea is that you two should have a great time playing kick the can. Grab an empty can and play a game of kick the can either against each other or with some friends and make it a double date.

Stella rodrigus’s Meet Singles idea is for a fun and adventurous day in the sun. You can take a risk and play a good game of kickball. This would work best for a group date but you could have just as much fun with a little one on one. Head to a local park for your game and take a snack or two along.

Frankys  Meet Singles idea is if you have a water park in your area head to the water park for a fun day in the local sun. you could slip and slide and splash your way right into his heart. Also you would want to eat a snack right before the swimming begins to insure some energy.

Francis gate’s Meet Singles idea is get some exercise for those lungs. A great healthy first date could be the two of you going to the gym together and taking a few laps. That’s right you guys might have a lot of fun going swimming. It doesn’t matter where you do it either. A river or in a lake or in your neighbors backyard pool. As long as your together right?  

Fran kieth’s Meet Singles idea is to get the wild side out of you and out in the open. Lets go out on a date moped riding. Get closer on a moped as you take a drive thru a long windy country road. You could get a birds eye view of the land. And afterwards you can stop by the local dinner for some fine country food. Plus you can feel her close to you as you increase the speed of the moped to an amazing 25 mile per hour as she’ll hang on for dear life. Go ahead you will only live once.

Darleen’s Meet Singles idea is knock balls and show your skills off guys. You can take your girl out to the towns local range and shoot some golf for a while. It will help improve your swing and you can show her your love for outdoor sports and maybe she can show you some love. Exercise your mental talent. Also show her you can stress some man hood.

Dianne realms Meet Singles idea is to show her a little strength when you knock the ball over the fence. Take her to the park and play a nice game of softball. Girls want to see your macho side so why not show her how hard you can knock a ball? Unless you’re a little bitch. Join a softball league together.

Brendax1  Meet Singles  idea. Another good idea for a first date is touch football. This really works best for a group date. Call a couple of your married friends over and it can be guys against the gals. What a way to legally gloat with out hearing the bitching when you get back home because you  won fair and square.

Denise33 Meet Singles idea. Show your boyfriend or show your girlfriend your creative and intelligent side. You guys can meet up at a local coffee shop and bring a lap top along and blog online together. This could range from posting good Meet Singles ideas to posting romantic blogs. This could be a fun and intelligent way to grow close to one another.

Donna3185 Meet Singles idea. Wait until the winter and take her out in a hill side put her on a sled and jump on behind her and go sledding. This should bring back old memories of when you went sledding as kids. This should start some good conversation as you two could share stories of when you both were younger. This may even bring a little intimacy your way as you share stories you should be bonding emotionally.

Dawn49 Meet Singles idea is to stretch those pectorals. Lift that heavy weight. You might think its fun to try going to the gym together for a first date. You can meet up and workout together. This will get your blood flowing and you can sweat together. This should get her hot and bothered by watching your muscles flare up. She can slim down the thighs and tone her butt.

Carryx34 Meet Singles idea is for this coming winter you two can bundle up and get your gloves on and go out in the front yard and build a snowman. You can even name him frosty this could open the door to some good conversation while you gather snow for your abominable snowman. Afterwards you can share some hot coffee and snuggle up close together.

Carissa99  Meet Singles idea is when the snow gets deep enough you could lay out in the back yard and make a couple of snow angels. After a nice homemade dinner rap up and make your snow angels under the moon light. She will think you just so romantic for suggesting this and asking her to do this with you.

Cara bank’s Meet Singles idea is singing in the rain. Take a walk hand and hand in the cool summer rain. And sing love songs to each other. After the shower stops you could look for rainbows and once you find one make a wish on it that you could fall fast in love and stay in love for all the days to come. Thanks for browsing my Meet Singles idea. If you wish you could try this if you like it message me and let me know. 

Brenda32  sturgeon’s Meet Singles idea. Start your date out really fun. Go to the local free recreation center and grab a couple rackets and play a few games of racquet ball. Work up a sweat together playing a fast paced game of racquet ball. You can have fun and get a work out at the same time!

Bethxf3 Meet Singles idea I know you men and women will love my date idea. It’s for all folks that have a athletic side and sportsmanship and competitive side. It’s playing badminton in your backyard or at the local park. Ladies invite your girlfriends to watch you beat your boyfriend. Or gentlemen invite your guys over to watch you beat a girl. This date will get you in shape and not cost you much and could be really fun.

Brittanyann’s Meet Singles idea. Try your self some go carting for love. We all love to ride go carts. Find your local amusement park or recreation center and rent two go carts and race each other around and the loser has to pay the rental fee. Afterwards take a long walk and share some good conversation.

Breeana312 Meet Singles idea is to get a nice tan and break a sweat at the same time. All while you can listen to the waves roll in while you two or you two and a couple of good friends play a nice game of beach volley ball. Go right ahead and spend the whole day in the sun. After volley ball you could go for a romantic swim together. Then lay out a blanket  on the beach and eat a nice dinner while watching the sun fade away into the darken night.

Brandy Andersons Meet Singles idea live where it’s really cold all year? Well I have a great date idea for you love stricken people. Have a childish snowball fight. What’s more fun and adventurous than a snow ball fight? The loser gives the other some nice hot cocoa and smooth warm kisses. Sounds lame but it could turn into more if you played your card right.  

Bridget8 Meet Singles idea. Get in the jeep and head to the country and find a river and rent a kayak and shove it into the water and go kayaking for the whole day. Afterwards park the kayak next to the riverbank and you and your date could have a nice cookout. And catch up on world events or share some private moments together. Great idea huh?

Alicia9999 Meet Singles idea. For a  good date and a good ole source of natural exercise. Take your date with you while you walking your dog. Let fido join along on your walk. It’s a good idea for any season or any time of day. You can really engage in some fun and energetic conversation. You can enjoy each others company. This is truly a free date if there ever was one! You no it doesn’t cost shit to walk the dog oh bring the pooper scooper so your girl can clean the sidewalk it’s a new city ordinance.

Alanna sanders Meet Singles idea is walking the neighbors dog. Makes for a free date and your neighbor will give you brownie points. And it will be ideal if you and him have some catching up to do. Dogs make great companions and your date will have the chance to become a pet lover if he or she already isn’t. Just try it before you knock it. You might enjoy some conversation while getting some fresh air.

Allisa4  Meet Singles idea is. Bet you can’t find me. Why don’t you try a friendly game of hede and seek? You could try to put a twist on the game since your both adults. These are the new rules. When you tell her to hide and you’ll go seek you get a sensual kiss from her every time she hides and you find her. This could rekindle the spark in your love life. Anyways it’s a great and affordable way to try something totally different from the norm.

Alice12 meeks Meet Singles idea. Strap on a scarf and grab that thick warm coat. Were going ice skating. After you are done you could go see a afternoon movie together. Then go back to here place for some one on one booty call action. This would be a nice way to top off the evening wouldn’t?     

Audrey7 smith’s Meet Singles idea. Every since I was just a little girl I use to always look forward to going down to our towns local skating rink. I always had fun and the people around me had a blast as well. So my romantic date idea is for you to go roller blading. This is a fun way for you to express your love and commitment towards each other. Just think you could skate next to each other while holding hands. How romantic would this be? I think if your open minded enough you can try this and thank me later. So that’s the plan fran! Enjoy it and I’ll have true satisfaction for posting the Meet Singles idea that was widely excepted.

April5 Meet Singles idea is well it may not be the best , but I think it’s a good idea  for some one to try that’s new too Meet Singles. You could go on a date and play disc golf. It’s a new and up coming sport. You will find your self in competition with one another. The winner will get some fancy bragging rights. The loser could do all the chores for a week long. Imagine ladies if you were fortunate enough  to land the big win. What would your guy look like doing dishes and sweeping the floors? You could get a good laugh from this one for years to come.

Amber3 winter’s Meet Singles idea states that this idea for a date will exercise the mind. You can show him your not another dumb bimbo. You could build models together. Get a model (car, airplane ect.) and the both of you can figure out how the machine goes together. You can have some fun and spend some time together while doing something constructive together. It requires strategy and patience and both of these are necessary in a relationship. Imagine ladies if you could reconstruct a 55 chevy and make it look totally sharp and all of your friends would be envious of the car you and your man made out of love with your own four hands. Now what’s a better date than this? I bet you can answer this.

Laurabell Meet Singles idea states. This definitely is a very traditional method for a date but if your straped for cash and want to just have a little fun together and be silly you can puddle jump together in the warm fall rain. If your expecting rain or live in monsoon season grab the galoshes and jump over rain puddles together. I know it’s a bit weird but all together it really could be a blast for you.

Lori bell 2376-567 Meet Singles idea is crazy boop and bop back in fourth with a friendly game of tennis. Get the rackets out of the closet and head to the court for a lively game of one on one tennis. End the game with a long slow passionate kiss over the net. The unfortunate loser has to load the rackets and balls into the truck.

Mandy juberg’s Meet Singles idea is to go right fourth and knock her right off her feet with a game of volley ball. What girl doesn’t  love volleyball? You can go down to the local church and the recreation center and wait for the floor to become clear bam jump right in. just the two of you knocking the ball back in fourth to each other. It’s a good source of cardiovascular workout and a affordable Meet Singles idea. You two can get a workout in and have some fun.

Mindy’s Meet Singles idea is find a desert road trail or bike way and get a hold of a bike and toat your guy around for an evening of bike riding fun. This will be a true unique way to go on a date but who wants the same thing over and over again? Trust me my boyfriend and myself do this fun date twice a month. Really it’s a fun pass time and good exercise.

Bobby jo’s Meet Singles idea is ok if your into the adventurous Meet Singles thing you could go to the water park and rent a nice boat and some ski’s. this will get you guys pumped up  for what’s later to come if she’s interested.

Dani’s Meet Singles idea is parasailing it is becoming a big sport these days as word spreads about how much fun it is. Try to setup a special day for the both of you one that will allow both parties to be free from work and you two should go parasailing as a romantic Meet Singles idea. It will be worth your while time and energy when you two love birds have your first water blast together as a couple. 

Lisa6660 diane’s Meet Singles idea is this is for the younger crowd around age (18-22) you could act a bit immature before you get to old. Try a date at the play ground. All a girl really wants to do anyways is have a little fun and be with her sweetie. So take her to the local park and play ground and monkey around on the monkey bars. Push her higher and higher on the swing so she’ll feel like a kid again. Well if that’s not her slice of cake then help her slide down the slide. She have a true blast laughing like a kid. It shouldn’t cost much to go to the park. And you will be together and most importantly having some good honest fun.

Dotty dawson’s Meet Singles idea is roller coasters they make for a good heart flutter. I know she’ll get a kick out of going to the local amusement park and riding all the fun new rides. Go head and show her you care, pay for her a season pass. She will thank you later in her own special way that only a girl can!

Suzy’s Meet Singles idea is laser tag. It’s my favorite Meet Singles idea. You can find a local laser tag venue or try and buy a cost efficient nerf laser tag set, and play laser tag right from the privacy of your own trailer home. You’ll be the best and most famous couple in the whole trailer park. Imagine the fame you’ll receive from the other trailer park members being the only couple in the whole mobile home park community with the extra cash lying around to buy laser turf!

Single girl’s Meet Singles idea is higher higher ok almost there. Just a bit more, higher ok right there. Hi I’m single girl and my Meet Singles idea is for you two knuckle heads to go out in the woods and find a steep rocky hill or short mountain and rock climb together it will be a real thrill.

Salad’s Meet Singles idea is are you a team player? No. Good just the two of you are team enough. Go out doors for your date idea and shoot some hoops. Basketball makes a nice date. We believe this will work out great for most all seasons if it’s a little chilli head in doors and play at the gym.

Rickettas stones Meet Singles idea would be: a romantic Meet Singles idea would be to throw some grub and or chow into a sack and head out in the open somewhere to a empty field and fly a kite together. Bring a bottle of Champaign or a cheap bottle of red or white wine and have a few drinks together as a couple. Every thing goes smoother while intoxicated haven’t you heard that one at least a thousand times.

Shameekwha’s Meet Singles idea is go all out and rent a helicopter for the whole day. Take your girl or guy out site seeing from the sky. This is totally adventurous and would be something new for both of you guys. You can brag to your friends that you seen the entire city from a birds eye view.  

Jonni bears Meet Singles idea is do you live near the shore? If so take your date out  on the boat and give him or her the thrill of his life deep sea fishing. You can watch the dolphins dart in and out of the salty blue water. While fishing for those grand big blue marlin.

Susan310 Meet Singles idea is to grab a bathing suit and some scuba gear and head for the creek. You two county bumpkins can dive in the creek and get wet and cool off and check out the creek bed for exotic rocks and or treasures.

Darnella anderson’s Meet Singles idea would be croquet it always is a good recreational activity and a good source of stress reduction. So it sounds like a classic romantic Meet Singles idea to me. But don’t take my word for it go experience it for your self. I know I love to play croquet. If you had a nice date after taking my advice please message me and let me know. I would love to hear from you guys.

Pooh bear sex girls true and exciting Meet Singles idea is to take a hike not a permanent  one silly, an athletic one for fun and great exercise. You can get packed and go out in the woods and find a trail and take a hiking trip for two. It’s really smashing and will give you a birds eye view of nature and is a cheap way of Meet Singles.

Saundra’s Meet Singles idea is to plant a seed in your girls heart, you could call her over this spring and plant some flowers together and some other garden items as well.  This Meet Singles idea keeps giving. How you ask? I’ll tell you gardening is an all summer long job. Thus you can invite her over time and time again. You two could pick vegetation and share some evening snack together. Now that’s a romantic first Meet Singles idea.

Merry bell’s Meet Singles idea is bounce your way into her heart with a romantic evening of bouncing on the trampoline. If you two have been together awhile you could have fun doing other things if you catch the drift? Once the trampoline jumping is finished start something else a bit more fun and more personal.

Sodibells Meet Singles idea is to capture her flag. This is a exotic Meet Singles experience for people that have been together awhile. She hides her panties and you try to find them. If you do she owes you a sensual favor. It’s like hide and seek  for adults. Go a head and capture her flag and her heart with this couples Meet Singles game.

Velcas antino’s true and fun Meet Singles idea is let your inner savage loose. Let her see your manly beastly side. Take her or her and some friends on a scavenger hunt. Go find things and busy yourself and keep occupied.

Noribella nobel’s Meet Singles idea is bip a water balloon fight just broke out. No its just your date idea. You might get some fun going down to the local market and buying some balloons and filling them with water and blasting one another in the dome with some water balloons. This Meet Singles idea is cheap and will be a lot of fun.

Olga’s Meet Singles idea is to go to the back yard and turn up those sprinklers and get wet. And maybe you could put out a slide to share and take turns sliding on the wet mat.

Adriana rodrigas’s Meet Singles idea is: Got on and listen up you heard the sky’s the limit? Well that’s the truth here. Take your Meet Singles partner on a hot air balloon ride.  Go all over the city in which you live in and tour around the bright blue sky for the entire day together. Why don’t you love birds pack a snack and eat while in the air afterwards you could share some conversation.

Helga’s Meet Singles idea is to visit the towns waterfront park and slip and slide your way right into romance. This is a non expensive Meet Singles idea an should be fun for both guy and girl.

Vanessa dolt’s Meet Singles idea is to lie upon the sun lit blanket out doors purched on the ground and right a little poetry about one another then recite it. You will have a cheap date and bring one another close together. Make her heart melt when she knows you truly care.

Genifer’s Meet Singles idea is that you need to look no further for a good idea for Meet Singles. Here’s the best around you two can enjoy a evening gathering stone and wilding a path way for her apartment. This will help lower her rent and be crafty and show her your building knowledge and strength.

Sandy smith’s amazing Meet Singles idea is a really great thing for couples Meet Singles. It’s to go out in the woods and or forest and pick some blackberries. Once you have done this you can take them back to her place and get her to wash them up and make you a genuine and homemade blackberry cobbler pie. Then you guys  could share it after a nice meal.

Hello to the entire Meet Singles world. How are you guys doing? We want to share with you some great really great news. It’s a brand new section that allows you to browse some Meet Singles testimonials. We are pleased with the members testimonials that were sent in so we thought we would post them and see what you single men and single women thought. We have testimonials from both men and women. We have true accurate testimonials from people of all races and all different kinds of religious and ethnic backgrounds. Did you know that 502 Meet Singles has gone global in an elaborate attempt to bring Meet Singles across the entire globe. That’s right folks everywhere in more than one hundred and fifty different countries. And were on all seven continents. We reach a global audience because we believe in one very important principle, “that we all deserve to be loved”. We also have gone global to give all people the chance to experience the effect of Meet Singles. It has become a cultural blast every where. More and more people are turning to the web to find love than ever before. Let me give you a brief high light of what  you can get from 502 Meet Singles. We have a totally hip and new feature you will go nuts for. This is our video feature. This will allow you to post several and recent videos of yourself to your profile page to let people browsing know a little about your self and what your looking for on our Meet Singles community. We also just added the new feature that allows you to rate profiles. We need to mention to you as well, we have added the capability for you to write Meet Singles blogs about yourself and post to the featured blog section. We really have a ton of new features you can view them all at once your profile is setup and you’re an active member. Don’t be single any longer. Setup a free profile today and see who is interested in you and might want to start a serious relationship. Before we close I’d like to take a brief moment to explain to you. It’s the new feature where you can view others that have recently viewed your Meet Singles profile. This is the way you can see who has been checking you out. But was to shy to leave a message. Thanks for coming by.

Meet Singles testimonial one. Hello my name is Rachael. I am a single Asian female who found love from my 502 Meet Singles profile. Who would have dreamed of love online.

Meet Singles testimonial two. My name is Stella and I want to give a shout out about my Meet Singles profile. I wanted to find someone similar to my black race and I got just that from my profile.

Meet Singles testimonial three. Hey to all I’m a true Christian female here. I was searching around the web for a true Christian as my self and had no real luck until I setup my Meet Singles profile here. Thanks a bunch guys you totally rock my socks.

Meet Singles testimonial four. Hey single world my name is tess. I have been single for three long years before I chose to setup my Meet Singles profile here. I was in search of a Baptist male and low and behold my dream came true.

Meet Singles testimonial five. Hi men and women I wanted to proclaim thru this testimonial that if your looking for a good Jewish match it is very possible it can happen here. My Meet Singles profile gave me a real Jewish match.

Meet Singles testimonial six . Asalum lakum my Muslim brothers. I was amazed at the vast selection of Muslim women I met thru my Meet Singles profile. This is my dream come true.

Meet Singles testimonial seven . Hi people my name is Mona. I am a retired school teacher. I wanted to give you a brief testimonial of the experience I had with my profile. I was in search of a true Buddist like myself. And wow did they find me a Buddist match. We Meet Singles for a while now were newly married. Thanks so much!

Meet Singles testimonial eight. Hi are there any Hindu’s out there that want to be loved? Well I’m a single Hindu female and about two years ago I found a good Hindu man from my profile here. We dated for about six months then he asked me the big question and of coarse I said yes.

Meet Singles testimonial nine


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