People for the American Way (PFAW) has issued a statement condemning Neil Gorsuch, who was chosen as Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court in place of the moderate choice stolen from President Obama in violation of the United States Constitution.
Trump has called Gorsuch “a good and brilliant man, respected by all,” but like everything Trump says, that is not really true. And People For the American Way (PFAW) President Michael Keegan explained why:
“Judge Neil Gorsuch is an ideological warrior who puts his own right-wing politics above the Constitution, the law and the rights of everyday people.
“Supreme Court justices serve for life, and President Trump’s recent discriminatory executive actions that betray American values send a sobering reminder of how critical it is to have an independent and fair Court. Americans know we need Supreme Court justices who will protect the most fundamental American freedoms. Trump would like a justice who’s a rubber stamp for the kind of anti-constitutional actions that we have seen over just the last week. We simply cannot afford that, and that’s why the Senate should reject Judge Gorsuch.
“Trump could have nominated someone who has demonstrated an understanding that the Constitution and our laws are there to protect all of us. Instead, he’s outsourced his choice to the right-wing Federalist Society and the oil billionaire Koch-supported Heritage Foundation, giving us a nominee who has protected the privileges of the wealthy and powerful, not the rights and freedoms of ordinary people.
“Judge Gorsuch has spent his entire career pushing an extreme agenda that hurts ordinary Americans. He has made clear that he’s a patently unacceptable choice who’d push his own dangerous agenda from the bench. Over the course of his career, he’s turned his back on fundamental American rights, from shutting down claims of gender discrimination in the workplace, to trying to limit Americans’ ability to join class-action lawsuits to challenge corporate wrong-doing, to ruling in the original Hobby Lobby decision that corporations are people and can refuse to offer their employees birth control, to claiming that a police officer could not be sued for using excessive force when his stun gun killed a young man running from police simply because he was growing marijuana plants. That’s appalling.”
Judge Gorsuch has spent years building an extreme record that makes him unfit for the Supreme Court:
PFAW maintains a Neil Gorsuch fact-sheet which can be found here. As Joy Reid said of Trump’s pick,
It’s not a pretty picture no matter how you look at it. A stolen pick and a violation of the Constitution translated into a pick by a man with no respect for the Constitution of a man with equally little respect. Worse, as Reid reminds us, “It’s also a reminder that for the religious right, the subordination of women matters far more than anything Jesus actually preached.”
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