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White House Claims Trump Muslim Ban Protects America From Imaginary Child Terrorists

When asked about the detention of a five-year-old US citizen with an Iranian mother, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer spoke about the potential threat posed by terrorist children who may try to infiltrate America.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) told the story of a five year old boy who was detained for hours at the airport:

Video of Press Secretary Spicer’s reply:

Spicer said, “To assume that just because of someone’s age or gender or whatever that they don’t pose a threat would be misguided and wrong.”

That is the Trump administration defending the detention of a child who is a US citizen, because kids coulsd be terrorist too. It doesn’t seem to matter to the Trump White House that this “threat” was an American citizen who authorities were given advance notice of by a sitting US Senator.

Apparently, Donald Trump thinks America elected him to protect the nation from the imaginary threat of child US citizen terrorists. Every time the White House tries to defend their Muslim ban, they sound more ridiculous and absurd.

President Trump is making America great by forcing the federal government to waste resources screening and detaining children instead of looking for the real threats both at home and abroad.

Statements like the one that Spicer gave today are the reason why the majority of America is mocking and laughing at Donald Trump.


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