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2012 End … Hoax or Fact?

That really all depends on whose story you accept about the 2012 end scenario.

Unfortunately, the 2012 end prophecies and predictions span all possible beliefs and cultures. It doesn’t matter whether you are a stout member of any of the thousands of world religions, a spiritualist, an atheist or an agnostic. The issues surrounding December 21, 2012 mean a lot of different things to a multitude of people. Some emphatically support it driving the speculation to a crescendo, while others blatantly decry it a hoax. So exactly who is right about the 2012 end events?

The 2012 end is about as important as Y2K, it will be just another day.

It would be most unfortunate for this group of people, if all that was predicted came to pass and they had not even attempted to be prepared. Exactly who they think is going to look after for their best interests and future life, is decidedly a mystery. Did anyone mount a voice that Hurricane Katrina was a hoax? No, that wasn’t why so many lives were lost when Katrina broke shore and laid New Orleans to waste.

Many of them were so callused about hurricanes. They erroneously assumed Katrina’s arrival would be just another day, with a bit more wind and water than usual. You see, what most people can’t wrap their minds around is that the 2012 end predictions are nothing like Y2K. The yawning divide between a computer glitch and humanity or the world being obliterated forever, seems to go right over their heads. Where will they be when they are faced with approaching catastrophe?

There aren’t many who have missed the Doomsday 2012 End programs on TV.

At the very least, they heard all the dissatisfied reports about what a shabby presentation the History Channel aired. Not once, but three times in recent years. When all the actual facts are discovered that relate to the program regarding Nostradamus, Merlin, The Sybil, the Mayan Calendar and many more 2012 end prophecies; the History Channel is found to be severely wanting.

It isn’t just this particular TV show that is guilty of disinformation. Television is notorious for alerting uneducated viewers of non factual information, pawned off as well researched reality. Does this mean that the 2012 end scenario is nothing but a hoax? Not at all. Iif your life is valuable to you, then you owe it to yourself and those you love to find out what is real. As opposed to what isn’t in fact true about these rapidly growing predictions and published prophecies said to connect to the date, December 21, 2012.

You are faced with fallacies hidden amidst correct facts everywhere you turn.

Should you be alarmed about the predictions regarding 2012 end prophecies? If you aren’t, you might want to reconsider your priorities. You get one life in this world, and from that you will only reap what you put into it. It isn’t much of a secret that being prepared for whatever is known to be possible in the future is always your best option. Just the announcement that a tornado is heading right toward you will have you preparing to seek shelter at a moment’s notice.

Y2K was fixed very simply with a simple computer programming patch. That is a manufacturing problem, and was never purported to be the end of the world, save by some really fanatical souls. This total 2012 end revelations is promising to deliver you and everyone you love into events that the world has never dealt with before. Are you ready? Have you learned what you need to know to take on the approaching end of an age? The clock is not going backwards. The date given draws rapidly closer with each passing week.

What is real 2012 fact, what is not?

If you can’t answer that question without a hair of doubt, you need to learn what is really coming and how you are going to deal with the issues. You can learn the 2012 end facts easily. You must make your own decisions on the best approach for you. Yet, deciding to ignore it is not wise. You have been warned.


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