Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) showed a stunning lack of political courage when he refused to criticize President Trump’s Muslim ban during an interview on ABC’s This Week.
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RADDATZ: Do you support president Trump’s temporary immigration ban from these predominantly Muslim countries.
SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY), MAJORITY LEADER: Well, I think it’s a good idea to tighten the vetting process. But I also think it’s important to remember that some of our best sources in the war against radical Islamic terrorism are Muslims, both in this country and overseas. And we have had some difficulty in the past getting interpreters as you suggested in the earlier segment who are helpful to us treated properly.
So we need to be careful as we do this. Improving vetting, something…
RADDATZ: And yet right now they’re being detained so — do you support this or not support this.
MCCONNELL: It’s hopefully going to be decided in the courts as to whether or not this has gone too far. I don’t what to criticize them for improving vetting. I think we need to be careful. We don’t have religious tests in this country.
RADDATZ: In the past, you’ve called the Muslim ban completely and totally inconsistent with American values. The president says this is not an outright Muslim ban, even if this is temporary, how is this order consistent with American values?
MCCONNELL: Well, if they’re looking to tighten the vetting process, I mean who would be against that? But I am opposed to a religious tests. The courts are going to determine whether this is too broad.
RADDATZ: So it sounds to me like you are opposed to certain parts of this. If we’re detaining or holding back people who have helped Americans in the fight.
MCCONNELL: Well, obviously I’m against that.
RADDATZ: A religious test then you’re opposed to certain parts of this.
MCCONNELL: Look, the president has a lot of latitude to try to secure the country. And I’m not going to make a blanket criticism of this effort. However, I think it’s important to remember, as I said, a lot of Muslims are our best sources in the war against terror.
When faced with the choice of standing up for the values embedded in our democracy, or backing Trump, Mitch McConnell chose to give the President, “a lot of latitude.” Republicans, like McConnell, refuse to say the words Muslim ban. Instead, they keep trying to make the term extreme vetting stick.
The congressional Republican leadership of Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader McConnell promised to check Donald Trump during the campaign, but in reality, they are the President’s biggest enablers.
McConnell’s arguments against parts of the ban were the weak and timid moves of a man who is terrified of Trump.
The American people are going to have to save themselves because Ryan and McConnell have firmly anchored themselves to Donald Trump.
Note: If you are an international student or legal immigrant who has been impacted by Trump’s executive order, please use the Contact Us form to share your story.
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