Background of the Study:
Job satisfaction is the result of various attitudes possessed by an employee towards his job. These attitudes may be related to job factors, such as wage, job security job environment, nature of work, opportunities for promotion, prompt removal of grievances, opportunities of participation in decision making and other fringe benefits. Job satisfaction may thus be defined as an attitude which results from a balancing and summation of many specific like and dislikes experienced by an employee in the performance of his job; or an employee’s judgment of how well his job, on the whole, provides opportunities to satisfy his needs. It refers to one’s job, his general adjustment and social relationship in and outside his job. This satisfaction and dissatisfaction with one’s job depends upon the positive or negative evaluation of one’s own success or failure in the realization of personal goals and perceived contribution of the job to it.
Universities are the center for imparting higher Education. Universities in the modern world are expected to seek and cultivate new knowledge ,provide the right kind of leadership in all walks of life and strive to promote equality and social justice. The Universities in India, however ,have to shoulder some additional responsibilities. They have to be conscience to the nation, develop programme for adult education assist in improving schools, and try to bring back the center of gravity of academic life within the country.
The university system has to lay stress on and pursue four important elements, they are(i)Excellence(ii) Modernization(iii)Interaction, and (iv) Self-reliance. These are all inter-related. True pursuit of excellence in all spheres of activities of a university will help imbibing and nurturing in the university life. The qualities of humanism, tolerance, reason and adventure of ideas, search of truth and thereby help for leading humanity towards even higher objectives. Modernization in terms of courses, facilities, evaluation methods and faculty up gradation will turn enrich teaching, research, examination system and extension activities. Modernization equips better the university to play its role effectively. Interaction and inter-dependence are well recognized concepts in the present day global situation. Universities are no exception to this. They should come out of their ivory towers concept and interact with outside world viz .the society , the Government, sister institutions, industrial organization and the world. Through interaction, the university excellence should be shared for national development.
Autonomy in the true sense should be the privilege of the University system so as to enable it to respond with full vigor for fulfillment of its objectives and goal. Academic autonomy relation to offering courses, evolving evaluation methods, teaching research and extension activities is available. Financial autonomy is vital for continuation of universities as centers for excellence and need of the hour is to initiate steps for fund generation and reduce its dependence on the Government to the extent possible, thus paving the way towards self-reliance.
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU),was established in 1989.In its search for imparting quality education through Distance Mode, it is trying to create a distinct identity in the Indian Open Education System. The YCMOU is the 5th Open University in India, and the fourth one at the state level with its goal of becoming a ‘Mass Varsity’. It emphasizes on vocational, technical, professional as well as general educational programmes and its approach towards fostering a new work culture and developmental linkage. The university has set out to create an identity on the national educational scene. The university is trying to develop such management practices that will help it to become efficient, economical(cost-effective) and accountable at each level.
YCMOU runs more than 177 programmes through Distance mode. It has developed more than 1500 books, more than 342 Adios and more than 350 videos on various subjects. It has achieved Award Of Excellence for Institutional Achievement. in Distance Learning from the Common Wealth of Learning, Canada(2002). It is listed among the Mega Open Universities in the World (2005). It has many International Collaborations and some are now in pipeline. They are: Common Wealth of Learning, Canada; Commonwealth Secretarial London, Brock University, Canada, Athabascan University, Canada, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia, the Chartered Management Institute of London, UK and International Food Policy Research Institute for the Global Open Food and Agriculture University, U. S. A. etc.
The researcher is working in YCMOU since February 1992. Holding on many positions , he has witnessed university activities closely. The personnel working at YCMOU has carried out many responsibilities. They used to carry on any responsibility they are shouldered upon. There are various types of activities carried out in a distance education set up like planning of programmes, development of instructional materials, production of instructional materials, delivery of materials and services like counseling, assessment etc, evaluation of products, processes and services ,maintenance of revision of instructional programmes and administration type work, etc.
When one considers about the job satisfaction on the grounds like good infrastructures, good garden, good working environment, it also depends upon the status & recognition, sex, age and experience and the qualifications that contribute for having the job satisfaction. Ones attitude towards the job and personal involvement in the job also affects the satisfaction in the job. Organizational Climate and personality characteristics also play a major role in influencing the job satisfaction of any employee.
Working condition is the major contributor for job satisfaction. But all types of work condition are neither fully satisfying nor dissatisfying, Job satisfaction definitely promotes happiness, success and efficiency in one’s professional activity wherein the organizational climate helps in developing a happy and congenial interactions among the employees & management.
Job satisfaction can be an important indicator of how employees feel about their jobs and a predictor of work behaviors such as organizational citizenship, absenteeism and turnover. Further job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality variables and deviant work behaviors .It seems satisfaction and job performance are directly related to one another. There are many researches published on job satisfaction which confirms this statement. Therefore it is necessary to study about the job satisfaction of the employees in YCMOU
Rationale Behind the Study :
Satisfaction pertaining to the job leads the employee to perform well. Employees working in YCMOU are performing their task without any hesitation. But whether they are satisfied with their jobs are not be testified with the research. Therefore the research in this regard is proposed to carry on.
Statement of the Research Problem:
A Study of job satisfaction of the Employees in YCMOU
Objectives of the Research:
1.To study the job satisfaction , of the academic staff of the employees
working in YCMOU.
2. To study the job satisfaction of the non-academic staff working as
class I employees in YCMOU.
3. To study the job satisfaction of the non-academic staff working as
class II employees in YCMOU.
4.To study the job satisfaction of the non-academic staff working as
class III Employees in YCMOU.
5.To study the job satisfaction of the non-academic staff working as
class IV employees in YCMOU.
6.To study the overall general job satisfaction of the non-academic
employees working in YCMOU
7.To study the overall general job satisfaction of the employees
working in YCMOU
8.To make general remarks pertaining to job satisfaction of the
employees of YCMOU comparing academic staff and each
category level of non-academic staff of YCMOU
Review of Related Literature and Researches
1 Office Type in Relation to Health,Well-Being, and Job Satisfaction Among Employees. By: Bodin Danielsson, Christina; Bodin, Lennart. Environment & Behavior, Sep2008, Vol. 40 Issue 5, p636-668, 33p,
2.Job satisfaction among a multigenerational nursing workforce. By: WILSON, BARBARA; SQUIRES, MAE; WIDGER, KIMBERLEY; CRANLEY, LISA; TOURANGEAU, ANN. Journal of Nursing Management, Sep2008, Vol. 16 Issue 6, p716-723, 8p,
3.The relationship between nursing leadership and nurses’ job satisfaction in Canadian oncology work environments. By: Cummings, Greta G.; Olson, Karin; Hayduk, Leslie; Bakker, Debra; Fitch, Margaret; Green, Esther; Butler, Lorna; Conlon, Michael. Journal of Nursing Management, Jul2008, Vol. 16 Issue 5, p508-518, 11p;
4.Leadership behaviour of nurse managers in relation to job satisfaction and work climate. By: Sellgren, Stina Fransson; Ekvall, Göran; Tomson, Göran. Journal of Nursing Management, Jul2008, Vol. 16 Issue 5, p578-587, 10p;
5.Measuring community nurses’ job satisfaction: literature review. By: Caers, Ralf; Du Bois, Cindy; Jegers, Marc; De Gieter, Sara; De Cooman, Rein; Pepermans, Roland. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Jun2008, Vol. 62 Issue 5, p521-529, 9p;
6.Job satisfaction among psychiatric registered nurses in new England. By: Sharp, T. P.. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, Jun2008, Vol. 15 Issue 5, p374-378, 5p;
7.The Effects of Faculty Demographic Characteristics and Disciplinary Context on Dimensions of Job Satisfaction. By: Seifert, Tricia; Umbach, Paul. Research in Higher Education, Jun2008, Vol. 49 Issue 4, p357-381, 25p;
8.Job satisfaction among intensive care nurses from the People’s Republic of China. By: Li, J.; Lambert, V. A.. International Nursing Review, Mar2008, Vol. 55 Issue 1, p34-39, 6p,
9.Role Overload, Job Satisfaction, Leisure Satisfaction, and Psychological Health Among Employed Women. By: Pearson, Quinn M.. Journal of Counseling & Development, Winter2008, Vol. 86 Issue 1, p57-63, 7p,
10 Types of Workplace Social Support in the Prediction of Job Satisfaction. By: Harris, J. Irene; Winskowski, Ann Marie; Engdahl, Brian E.. Career Development Quarterly, Dec2007, Vol. 56 Issue 2, p150-156, 7p;
11.THE CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JOB SATISFACTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT. By: Tung-Chun Huang; Wan-Jung Hsiao. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 2007, Vol. 35 Issue 9, p1265-1275, 11p,
12.Comparison of Job Satisfaction Between Experienced Medical-Surgical Nurses and Experienced Critical Care Nurses. (cover story) By: Davis, Barbara A.; Ward, Cynthia; Woodall, Marsha; Shultz, Sarah; Davis, Heather. MEDSURG Nursing, Oct2007, Vol. 16 Issue 5, p311-316, 6p,
13.Literature Review of Teacher Job Satisfaction. By: Song Hongying. Chinese Education & Society, Sep/Oct2007, Vol. 40 Issue 5, p11-16, 6p;
14.The Structure of Secondary School Teacher Job Satisfaction and Its Relationship with Attrition and Work Enthusiasm. By: Chen Weiqi. Chinese Education & Society, Sep/Oct2007, Vol. 40 Issue 5, p17-31, 15p,
15.Study of Job Satisfaction Among Elementary School Teachers in Shanghai. By: Zhang Zhongshan. Chinese Education & Society, Sep/Oct2007, Vol. 40 Issue 5, p40-46, 7p,
16.A Study of Teacher Job Satisfaction and Factors That Influence It. By: Bolin, Feng. Chinese Education & Society, Sep/Oct2007, Vol. 40 Issue 5, p47-64, 18p,
17.An Analysis of the Relation Between Secondary School Organizational Climate and Teacher Job Satisfaction. By: Pan Xiaofu; Qin Qiwen. Chinese Education & Society, Sep/Oct2007, Vol. 40 Issue 5, p65-77, 13p,
18.Research on Job Satisfaction of Elementary and High School Teachers and Strategies to Increase Job Satisfaction. By: Xu Fuming; Shen Jiliang. Chinese Education & Society, Sep/Oct2007, Vol. 40 Issue 5, p86-96, 11p,
19.Role stress and job satisfaction for nurse specialists. By: Yao-Mei Chen; Sue-Hui Chen; Chiu-Yueh Tsai; Liang-Yueh Lo. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Sep2007, Vol. 59 Issue 5, p497-509, 13p,
20.Constructive Thought Strategies and Job Satisfaction: A Preliminary Examination. By: Houghton, Jeffery; Jinkerson, Darryl. Journal of Business & Psychology, Fall2007, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p45-53, 9p,
21.Job satisfaction and importance for intensive care unit research coordinators: results from binational survey. By: Rickard, Claire M.; Roberts, Brigit L.; Foote, Jonathon; McGrail, Matthew R.. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Sep2007, Vol. 16 Issue 9, p1640-1650, 11p
22 Job satisfaction as mediator: An assessment of job satisfaction’s position within the nomological network. By: Crede, Marcus; Chernyshenko, Oleksandr S.; Stark, Stephen; Dalal, Reeshad S.; Bashshur, Michael. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, Sep2007, Vol. 80 Issue 3, p515-538, 24p,
23 Trait conscientiousness, leader-member exchange, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour: A test of an integrative model. By: Lapierre, Laurent M.; Hackett, Rick D.. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, Sep2007, Vol. 80 Issue 3, p539-554, 16p,
24 Computerizing Organizational Attitude Surveys: An Investigation of the Measurement Equivalence of a Multifaceted Job Satisfaction Measure. By: Mueller, Karsten; Liebig, Christian; Hattrup, Keith. Educational & Psychological Measurement, Aug2007, Vol. 67 Issue 4, p658-678, 21p,
25 Job satisfaction in psychiatric nursing. By: WARD, M.; COWMAN, S.. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, Aug2007, Vol. 14 Issue 5, p454-461, 8p,
26 The impact of intermediate care services on job satisfaction, skills and career development opportunities. By: Nancarrow, Susan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Jul2007, Vol. 16 Issue 7, p1222-1229, 8p,
27 Employee Satisfaction and Theft: Testing Climate Perceptions as a Mediator. By: Kulas, John T.; McInnerney, Joanne E.; DeMuth, Rachel Frautschy; Jadwinski, Victoria. Journal of Psychology, Jul2007, Vol. 141 Issue 4, p389- 402, 14p,
28.Regulatory Mode and Preferred Leadership Styles: How Fit Increases Job Satisfaction. By: Kruglanski, Arie W.; Pierro, Antonio; Higgins, E. Tory. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, Jun2007, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p137-149, 13p,
29.A model of job satisfaction of nurses: a reflection of nurses’ working lives in Mainland China. By: Hong Lu; While, Alison E.; Louise Barriball, K.. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Jun2007, Vol. 58 Issue 5, p468-479, 12p,
30.The relationship between personal traits and job satisfaction among Taiwanese community health volunteers. By: Mei-Chih Lin; I-chuan Li; Kuan-chia Lin. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Jun2007, Vol. 16 Issue 6, p1061-1067, 7p,
31.Reliability of job satisfaction measures. By: Kristensen, Nicolai; Westergaard-Nielsen, Niels. Journal of Happiness Studies, Jun2007, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p273-292, 20p,
32.The influence of forest view through a window on job satisfaction and job stress. By: Won Sop Shin. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Jun2007, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p248-253, 6p,
33.Does Fairness Matter More to Some than to Others? The Moderating Role of Workplace Status on The Relationship Between Procedural Fairness Perceptions and Job Satisfaction. By: Diekmann, Kristina; Sondak, Harris; Barsness, Zoe. Social Justice Research, Jun2007, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p161-180, 20p,
34.Relationship Between Personality Traits, Job Satisfaction, and Job Involvement Among Taiwanese Community Health Volunteers. By: Li, I-chuan; Lin, Mei-Chih; Chen, Ching-Min. Public Health Nursing, May/Jun2007, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p274-282, 9p,
35.The Long-Term Impact of the Feedback Environment on Job Satisfaction: A Field Study in a Belgian Context. By: Anseel, Frederik; Lievens, Filip. Applied Psychology: An International Review, Apr2007, Vol. 56 Issue 2, p254-266, 13p,
36.Job satisfaction of Italian nurses: an exploratory study. By: CORTESE, CLAUDIO G.. Journal of Nursing Management, Apr2007, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p303-312, 10p;
37.Relationship between how nurses resolve their conflicts with doctors, their stress and job satisfaction. By: TABAK, NILI; ORIT, KOPRAK. Journal of Nursing Management, Apr2007, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p321-331, 11p;
38.WORK-RELATED STRESS, BURNOUT AND JOB SATISFACTION IN TURKISH MIDWIVES. By: Oncel, Selma; Ozer, Zeynep Canli; Efe, Emine. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 2007, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p317-328, 12p,
39.Person-environment congruence, self-efficacy, and environmental identity in relation to job satisfaction: a career decision theory perspective. By: Perdue, Stacie Vernick; Reardon, Robert C.; Peterson, Gary W.. Journal of Employment Counseling, Mar2007, Vol. 44 Issue 1, p29-39, 11p;
40.’Taking a sickie’: Job satisfaction and job involvement as interactive predictors of absenteeism in a public organization. By: Wegge, Jürgen; Schmidt, Klaus-Helmut; Parkes, Carole; Van Dick, Rolf. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, Mar2007, Vol. 80 Issue 1, p77-89, 13p,
41.Examining Herzberg’s Theory: Improving Job Satisfaction among Non-academic Employees at a University. By: Smerek, Ryan; Peterson, Marvin. Research in Higher Education, Mar2007, Vol. 48 Issue 2, p229-250, 22p,
42.Job satisfaction among young European higher education graduates. By: Mora, José-Ginés; García-Aracil, Adela; Vila, Luis E.. Higher Education, Jan2007, Vol. 53 Issue 1, p29-59, 31p,
43.The Distribution of Job Satisfaction Among Young European Graduates: Does the Choice of Study Field Matter? By: Vila, Luis E.; García-Aracil, Adela; Mora, José-Ginés. Journal of Higher Education, Jan/Feb2007, Vol. 78 Issue 1, p97-118, 22p,
44.Factors related to job satisfaction among South Korean dentists. By: Seong-Hwa Jeong; Jae-Kyun Chung; Youn-Hee Choi; Woosung Sohn; Keun-Bae Song. Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology, Dec2006, Vol. 34 Issue 6, p460-466, 7p,
45.The effects of principals’ humor on teachers’ job satisfaction. By: Hurren, B. Lee. Educational Studies (03055698), Dec2006, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p373-385, 13p,
46.The effect of change and transformation on academic staff and job satisfaction: A case of a South African University. By: Mapesela, Mabokang; Hay, Driekie. Higher Education, Dec2006, Vol. 52 Issue 4, p711-747, 37p,
47.EXAMINING THE BURNOUT OF ACADEMICS IN RELATION TO JOB SATISFACTION AND OTHER FACTORS. By: Bilge, Filiz. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 2006, Vol. 34 Issue 9, p1151-1160, 10p,
48.The Long-Term Care Workforce Crisis: Dementia-Care Training Influences on Job Satisfaction and Career Commitment. By: Coogle, Constance; Head, Colleen; Parham, Iris. Educational Gerontology, Sep2006, Vol. 32 Issue 8, p611-631, 20p,
49.Job Satisfaction Among TANF Leavers. By: Scott, Jeff. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, Sep2006, Vol. 33 Issue 3, p127-149, 23p,
50.Efficacy of clinical supervision: influence on job satisfaction, burnout and quality of care. By: Hyrkäs, Kristiina; Appelqvist-Schmidlechner, Kaija; Haataja, Riina. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Aug2006, Vol. 55 Issue 4, p521-535, 15p,
51.Integrating Situational and Dispositional Determinants of Job Satisfaction: Findings From Three Samples of Professionals. By: COHRS, J. CHRISTOPHER; ABELE, ANDREA E.; DETTE, DOROTHEA E.. Journal of Psychology, Jul2006, Vol. 140 Issue 4, p363-395, 33p;
52.Men in Traditional and Nontraditional Careers: Gender Role Attitudes, Gender Role Conflict, and Job Satisfaction. By: Dodson, Thomas A.; Borders, L. DiAnne. Career Development Quarterly, Jun2006, Vol. 54 Issue 4, p283-296, 14p;
53.Sources of teacher job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in Cyprus. By: Zembylas, Michalinos; Papanastasiou, Elena. Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education, Jun2006, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p229-247, 19p,
54.Job satisfaction and temperament structure of gifted people By: Sieka?ska, Ma?gorzata; S?kowski, Andrzej. High Ability Studies, Jun2006, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p75-85, 10p,
55.Transformational and transactional leadership effects on teachers’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior in primary schools: The Tanzanian case. By: Nguni, Samuel; Sleegers, Peter; Denessen, Eddie. School Effectiveness & School Improvement, Jun2006, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p145-177, 33p,
56.Extrinsic and intrinsic work values: their impact on job satisfaction in nursing. By: Hegney, Desley; Plank, Ashley; Parker, Victoria. Journal of Nursing Management, May2006, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p271-281, 11p,
57.Evaluation of an open-rota system in a Danish psychiatric hospital: a mechanism for improving job satisfaction and work–life balance. By: Pryce, Joanna; Albertsen, Karen; Nielsen, Karina. Journal of Nursing Management, May2006, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p282-288, 7p,
58.Canadian Public Health Nurses’ Job Satisfaction. By: Best, Maureen F.; Thurston, Norma E.. Public Health Nursing, May2006, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p250-255, 6p,
59.School Psychologists’ Job Satisfaction A 22-Year Perspective in the USA. By: Worrell, Travis G.; Skaggs, Gary E.; Brown, Michael B.. School Psychology International, May2006, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p131-145, 15p,
60.Personal Goal Facilitation through Work: Implications for Employee Satisfaction and Well-Being. By: Doest, Laura ter; Maes, Stan; Gebhardt, Winifred A.; Koelewijn, Hennie. Applied Psychology: An International Review, Apr2006, Vol. 55 Issue 2, p192-219, 28p,
61.Explaining Knowledge Sharing: The Role of Team Communication Styles, Job Satisfaction, and Performance Beliefs. By: de Vries, Reinout E.; van den Hooff, Bart; de Ridder, Jan A.. Communication Research, Apr2006, Vol. 33 Issue 2, p115-135, 21p;
62.Relationships Between Adult Workers’ Spiritual Well-Being and Job Satisfaction: A Preliminary Study. By: Robert, Tracey E.; Young, J. Scott; Kelly, Virginia A.. Counseling & Values, Apr2006, Vol. 50 Issue 3, p165-175, 11p;
63.Multiple Role Balance, Job Satisfaction, and Life Satisfaction in Women School Counselors. By: Bryant, Rhonda M.; Constantine, Madonna G.. Professional School Counseling, Apr2006, Vol. 9 Issue 4, p265-271, 7p,
64.Academic Staff Workloads and Job Satisfaction: Expectations and values in academe. By: Houston, Don; Meyer, Luanna H.; Paewai, Shelley. Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, Mar2006, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p17-30, 14p,
65.Job Satisfaction Among Neonatal Nurses. By: Archibald, Cynthia. Pediatric Nursing, Mar/Apr2006, Vol. 32 Issue 2, p176-162, 5p;
66.Teaching Satisfaction Scale Measuring Job Satisfaction of Teachers. By: Chung-Lim Ho; Wing-Tung Au. Educational & Psychological Measurement, Feb2006, Vol. 66 Issue 1, p172-185, 14p;
67.Do School Counselors Matter? Mattering as a Moderator Between Job Stress and Job Satisfaction. By: Rayle, Andrea Dixon. Professional School Counseling, Feb2006, Vol. 9 Issue 3, p206-215, 10p,
68.Education and the Determinants of Job Satisfaction. By: Vila, Luis E.; García?Mora, Belen. Education Economics, Dec2005, Vol. 13 Issue 4, p409-425, 17p,
69.JOB SATISFACTION OF PHYSICIANS WITH CONGRUENT VERSUS INCONGRUENT SPECIALTY CHOICE. By: Borges, Nicole J.; Gibson, Denise D.; Karnani, Rajil M.. Evaluation & the Health Professions, Dec2005, Vol. 28 Issue 4, p400-413, 14p;
70.Motivation and job satisfaction in the Swiss Support Company in Kosovo. By: Bennett, Jonathan; Boesch, Rolf; Haltiner, Karl. International Peacekeeping (13533312), Winter2005, Vol. 12 Issue 4, p562-575, 14p,
71.Job satisfaction among Norwegian general practitioners. By: Nylenna, Magne; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Førde, Reidun; Aasland, Olaf. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Dec2005, Vol. 23 Issue 4, p198-202, 5p;
72.Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction: A Test of Three Competing Models. By: Clay-Warner, Jody; Reynolds, Jeremy; Roman, Paul. Social Justice Research, Dec2005, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p391-409, 19p,
73 Teacher job satisfaction: lessons from the TSW Pathfinder Project. By: Butt, Graham; Lance, Ann; Fielding, Antony; Gunter, Helen; Rayner, Steve; Thomas, Hywel. School Leadership & Management, Nov2005, Vol. 25 Issue 5, p455-471, 17p,
74 Modeling Teacher Empowerment: The role of job satisfaction. By: Zembylas, Michalinos; Papanastasiou, Elena C.. Educational Research & Evaluation, Oct2005, Vol. 11 Issue 5, p433-459, 27p;
75 Home Healthcare Nurses’ Job Satisfaction Scale: refinement and psychometric testing. By: Ellenbecker, Carol H.; Byleckie, James J.. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Oct2005, Vol. 52 Issue 1, p70-78, 9p,
76 African American Counselor Educators’ Job Satisfaction and Perceptions of Departmental Racial Climate. By: Holcomb-McCoy, Cheryl; Addison-Bradley, Carla. Counselor Education & Supervision, Sep2005, Vol. 45 Issue 1, p2-15, 14p;
77 The Moderating Effects of Work-Family Role Combinations and Work-Family Organizational Culture on the Relationship Between Family- Friendly Workplace Supports and Job Satisfaction. By: Sahibzada, Khatera; Hammer, Leslie B.; Neal, Margaret B.; Kuang, Daniel C.. Journal of Family Issues, Sep2005, Vol. 26 Issue 6, p820-839, 20p;
78 A longitudinal and multi-source test of the work–family conflict and job satisfaction relationship. By: Grandey, Alicia A.; Cordeiro, Bryanne L.; Crouter, Ann C.. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, Sep2005, Vol. 78 Issue 3, p305-323, 19p,
79 Affirmative Action and Job Satisfaction: Understanding Underlying Processes. By: Niemann, Yolanda Flores; Dovidio, John F.. Journal of Social Issues, Sep2005, Vol. 61 Issue 3, p507-523, 17p,
80 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JOB CHARACTERISTICS AND ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR: THE MEDIATIONAL ROLE OF JOB SATISFACTION. By: Su-Fen Chiu; Hsiao-Lan Chen. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 2005, Vol. 33 Issue 6, p523-539, 17p,
81 Job and organizational determinants of nursing home employee commitment, job satisfaction and intent to turnover. By: Karsh, B.; Booske, B.; Sainfort, F.. Ergonomics, 8/15/2005, Vol. 48 Issue 10, p1260-1281, 22p,
82 Job satisfaction of University academics: Perspectives from Uganda. By: Ssesanga, Karim; Garrett, Roger. Higher Education, Jul2005, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p33-56, 24p;
83 Through the magnifying glass: A descriptive theoretical analysis of the possible impact of the South African higher education policies on academic staff and their job satisfaction. By: Mapesela, ‘Mabokang; Hay, H.. Higher Education, Jul2005, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p111-128, 18p;
84 The nurse manager: job satisfaction, the nursing shortage and retention. By: Andrews, Diane Randall; Dziegielewski, Sophia F.. Journal of Nursing Management, Jul 2005, Vol. 13 Issue 4, p286-295, 10p;
85 Job satisfaction in nursing: validation of a new instrument for the UK. By: Murrells, Trevor; Clinton, Michael; Robinson, Sarah. Journal of Nursing Management, Jul2005, Vol. 13 Issue 4, p296-311, 16p;
86 Job satisfaction in relation to change to all-RN staffing. By: Lundgren, Solveig M.; Nordholm, Lena; Segesten, Kerstin. Journal of Nursing Management, Jul2005, Vol. 13 Issue 4, p322-328, 7p;
87 CLINICAL SUPERVISION, BURNOUT, AND JOB SATISFACTION AMONG MENTAL HEALTH AND PSYCHIATRIC NURSES IN FINLAND. By: Kristiina Hyrkäs. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Jun2005, Vol. 26 Issue 5, p531-556, 26p;
88 Gender Differences in the Job Satisfaction of Public Employees: A Study of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea. By: Kim, Sangmook. Sex Roles, May2005, Vol. 52 Issue 9/10, p667-681, 15p;
89 ATISFACTION DIFFERENTIALS AMONG AFRICAN AMERICAN FACULTY AT 2-YEAR AND 4-YEAR INSTITUTIONS. By: Flowers, Lamont A.. Community College Journal of Research & Practice, Apr/May2005, Vol. 29 Issue 4, p317-328, 12p,
90 European Higher Education Graduates and Job Satisfaction. By: MORA, JOSÉ-GINÉS; VILA, LUIS E.; GARCÍA-ARACIL, ADELA. European Journal of Education, Mar2005, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p35-44, 10p;
91 Burnout and job satisfaction comparing healthcare staff of a dermatological hospital and a general hospital. By: Renzi, C.; Tabolli, S.; Ianni, A.; Di Pietro, C.; Puddu, P.. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, Mar2005, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p153-157, 5p;
92 Job Satisfaction among Employees of a Youth Development Organization. By: Petty, Gregory C.; Brewer, Ernest W.; Brown, Beth. Child & Youth Care Forum, Feb2005, Vol. 34 Issue 1, p57-73, 17p,
93 Nurse job satisfaction and retention: comparing public to private hospitals in Jordan. By: Mrayyan, Majd Tawfeeq. Journal of Nursing Management, Jan2005, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p40-50, 11p;
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102 Anjaneyulu, B.S.R. (1968) A Study of Job Satisfaction in the Secondary School Teachers and its Impact on the Education of Pupils with Special Reference to the State of Andhra Pradesh, A Survey of Research in Education, Buch M. B (Ed), Centre of Advanced Study in Education, M. S. University, Baroda.
103 Ara, Hasreen (1986) A Study of Principals Leadership Behaviour in Relation of Teachers Self Concept, Job Satisfaction and Some Other Institutional Characteristics at Secondary Schools Level, Research in Educational Management Abstracts, 1207, 1070, (In) Buch M. B. (Ed), Fourth Survey of Research in Education (1983-88) Volume-2, NCERT, New Delhi.
The research in hand was related to present situation. Therefore the researcher had used the Descriptive Survey Method.
He had used Standardized Questionnaire (S.Q.) developed by Cooper , for measuring the General Satisfaction of the employees, as a tool for collecting the data. Though it was a Standardized Questionnaire , the researcher took the expertise opinion from the Experts pertaining to it and made modification as per their suggestions. In the S.Q. point number 19, words were written abbreviated as w. r. but the expert suggested it should be written in a full form.
S.Q. was included 22 statements following six circles given between High Satisfaction and Low Satisfaction. It was as six point questionnaire. After the discussion with the Experts, it was decided that six point should be defined six grades as given below with their value..
E 0-19 1 Lowest Satisfaction
D 20-39 2 Lower Satisfaction
C 40-49 3 Low Satisfaction
B 50-59 4 Satisfactory Satisfaction
A 60-74 5 Higher Satisfaction
O +75 6 Highest Satisfaction
When the responses were gathered, every responses were weighted
as was scheduled above .
YCMOU had then 36 academics and 275 non-academic staff and thus 311 employees were working in YCMOU. Out of this target group near about 25% sampling i.e. 80 only was taken for the research:
Samples had been selected randomly as per the availability of the
employees. Stratified Random Sampling method was used for the research.
Employees were chosen from academic staff and also from non-academic
staff and from each category as given below.
_ Academic . Non-academic
Population 8 6 22 36 72 18 155 30 275
Sampling 2 2 6 10 20 5 40 5 70
(Near About 25%)
In all 10+70=80 Sampling size.
Objective No.1:
About the Job Satisfaction of the Academic Staff of YCMOU.
Conclusion :
2. Factor/variable wise job satisfaction in grades of the Academic Staff is given below.
Circulars & Communication
Importance to our efforts
Safety of Service
University Objectives & Participation
Change and Its Process
Working Method
Individual Progress
Procedure of Redress of Complaints
Scope of work for progress
Participation in Decisions
Utilization of the Capacity /Ability
About Freedom & Elasticity
Freedom & Elasticity
University Structure
Quality of the work given to the Employee
About the Total Work
Objectives No.2:
About the Job Satisfaction of the Class I Employees in YCMOU.
Conclusion :
Employees is given below.
Circulars & Communication
Importance to our efforts
Safety of Service
University Objectives & Participation
Change and Its Process
Working Method
Individual Progress
Procedure of Redress of Complaints
Scope of work for progress
Participation in Decisions
Utilization of the Capacity /Ability
About Freedom & Elasticity
Freedom & Elasticity
University Structure
Quality of the work given to the Employee
About the Total Work
Objectives No.3:
About the Job Satisfaction of the Class II Employees in YCMOU.
Conclusion :
Circulars & Communication
Importance to our efforts
Safety of Service
University Objectives & Participation
Change and Its Process
Working Method
Individual Progress
Procedure of Redress of Complaints
Scope of work for progress
Participation in Decisions
Utilization of the Capacity /Ability
About Freedom & Elasticity
Freedom & Elasticity
University Structure
Quality of the work given to the Employee
About the Total Work
Objectives No.4:
About the Job Satisfaction of the Class III Employees in YCMOU.
Conclusion :
2.Factor/variable wise job satisfaction in grades of the Class III
Employees is given below.
Circulars & Communication
Importance to our efforts
Safety of Service
University Objectives & Participation
Change and Its Process
Working Method
Individual Progress
Procedure of Redress of Complaints
Scope of work for progress
Participation in Decisions
Utilization of the Capacity /Ability
About Freedom & Elasticity
Freedom & Elasticity
University Structure
Quality of the work given to the Employee
About the Total Work
Objectives No.5:
About the Job Satisfaction of the Class IV Employees in YCMOU.
Conclusion :
1.Job Satisfaction of the Class IV employees was found ‘A’ Grade Satisfaction (67.27%)
Circulars & Communication
Importance to our efforts
Safety of Service
University Objectives & Participation
Change and Its Process
Working Method
Individual Progress
Procedure of Redress of Complaints
Scope of work for progress
Participation in Decisions
Utilization of the Capacity /Ability
About Freedom & Elasticity
Freedom & Elasticity
University Structure
Quality of the work given to the Employee
About the Total Work
Objectives No.6:
About Overall General Job Satisfaction of the Non-academic Staff in YCMOU.
Conclusion :
1.Job satisfaction of the Non academic Staff of YCMOU was found ‘A’ Grade Satisfaction (65.78%)
2.Factor/variable wise job satisfaction in grades of the Non academic Staff of YCMOU is given below.
Circulars & Communication
Importance to our efforts
Safety of Service
University Objectives & Participation
Change and Its Process
Working Method
Individual Progress
Procedure of Redress of Complaints
Scope of work for progress
Participation in Decisions
Utilization of the Capacity /Ability
About Freedom & Elasticity
Freedom & Elasticity
University Structure
Quality of the work given to the Employee
About the Total Work
Objectives No.7:
About Overall General Job Satisfaction of all the employees working in YCMOU
Conclusion :
Circulars & Communication
Importance to our efforts
Safety of Service
University Objectives & Participation
Change and Its Process
Working Method
Individual Progress
Procedure of Redress of Complaints
Scope of work for progress
Participation in Decisions
Utilization of the Capacity /Ability
About Freedom & Elasticity
Freedom & Elasticity
University Structure
Quality of the work given to the Employee
About the Total Work
Objectives No.8:
To make general remarks pertaining to job satisfaction of the employees of YCMOU comparing academic staff and each category level of non-academic staff of YCMOU.
Conclusion :
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