Lets face it, multi-level marketing (mlm) business opportunities get a ton of criticism. I personally believe much of it is fair, but also plenty of it is over the top. MLM is not a new business model anymore and people are either aware of the risks involved, or can easily find them out. I read from some posters on http://www.AnswerPatrol.com that Donald Trump is going MLM with the Trump Network. From what I understand, they are focusing on nutritional products, which is a very crowded space.
So I am wondering, is the Donald going to be good or bad for the MLM business?
The Good:
1. I think he will bring some much needed credibility to the entire industry. Many people object to MLM companies because they feel if the products were good they would be in the stores. Therefore, they automatically assume the products are inferior and the management / company cannot afford to go the retail route. We know that Trump can afford to go the retail route if he wanted to and he is choosing MLM. This will not only help Associates of Trump Network, but other Associates from many MLM companies can point to Trump during this objection.
2. I think he will bring some excitment. As I mentioned I’ve only read some posts on the Answer Patrol website, so I don’t have any detailed information. But I am assuming that he will be promoting Trump Network on TV through interviews and maybe even through his TV show. I think this could create a buzz that lifts the entire industry.
The Bad:
1. OK, I can only think of one bad thing that can happen from Trump going MLM. If for some reason the company doesn’t do well or the Associates don’t do well, it might get more publicity than typical MLM failures. Other than that, I can’t see any bad coming from it. If you can, please comment on this article!
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