The new Trump network marketing company, formerly known as Ideal Health is becoming one of the most talked about products and opportunities ever. The company offers nutritional supplements and is promising to make MLM history and finally bring the long deserved recognition to the network marketing industry. You can either become a customer, a home based business with the network opportunity or both!
The previous company is a 12 year old company that has been recently purchased and partnered with the celebrity himself. The previous network marketing has been an innovator in the vitamin and supplement industry by offering customized vitamins. Each custom vitamin is created just for you based on a simple, yet complete in-home urinalysis test. The custom vitamins are still called custom vitamins but individuals are calling them network vitamins.
Ordering Trump network vitamins are simple and easy. First, you will purchase a test. This test is created by you taking a simple, in-home urinalysis test. The test is then sent by Fed Ex to the lab and is analyzed by the scientists there to determine the custom vitamin formula for you. It’s really remarkable a great way to obtain optimum health. Over the counter medications are formulated for the masses, while Network Vitamins are unique just for you!
Now you’re probably thinking that custom vitamins must cost a fortune. At one time this was a service just for the very few elite individuals, hence the celebrity. However, until now you can get network vitamins, a custom vitamin for about $2 bucks a day! That’s a great value when you think about a convienent store beverage, or cup of coffee costs the same or more.
To order Trump Network Vitamins or become a part of the Network Marketing visit
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