As web hosting has become a profitable online business, reselling hosting business has also become more profitable. Windows reseller hosting solutions have substantially more advantages over the popular Linux reseller hosting because of the various favorable factors that you can offer to your clients such as:
The disadvantages of using Windows Reseller Hosting are:
Windows web hosting has better scalability factor when clients need to upgrade their web hosting needs as their businesses grow online. Windows web hosting is a better choice for the reseller hosting business considering the fact that Windows hosting has better compatibility with Linux hosting tools. Interactive applications like the Chat tools can run better under the Windows based web hosting. The powerful Visual Basic applications and DotNet can only run under Windows web hosting.
So, web hosting businesses, especially Windows reseller hosting businesses, are growing rapidly because the DotNet technologies like ASP.Net and VB.Net have become popular. With Microsoft’s Exchange 2007, Windows Server 2008 Web Edition, SQL Server 2008, ActiveSynch and the latest mail server technology Windows hosting is positioned for a rapid growth. SQL Server management tools and other Microsoft Windows based technologies are making the Windows web hosting business grow at a rapid pace and is becoming very popular.
Now, Windows based web technology opens exciting new avenues in the mobile applications also. The popular Enterprise level databases like Access and SQL Server are being used all over the world. The new SharePoint Server and services, and many other Microsoft Windows applications for web design and development are becoming popular.
All these new technologies will also make Windows reseller hosting business more exciting. The success of these latest technologies will always attract more online businesses to Windows hosting. Web hosting is now definitely tilting towards the Windows hosting services, and that means better opportunities for the Windows reseller hosting businesses.
So, for web hosting resellers, the Windows reseller hosting business is proving profitable with its easier management, scalability, and ability to keep pace with the rapid technology changes in the web hosting field.
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