Please be aware that there are employment scams out there. You might have already come across some scams in your own endeavors to make a few extra bucks. Most often, these “get rich quick” scams are advertised on telephone polls and in newspapers. We see them online or hear radio ads. They are even advertised in “infomercials” during late night television. Please try to avoid the following:
· Making money by pestering people with email spam
· Making money by stuffing envelopes
· Earning thousands with as a home typist or data entry
· Getting paid to take surveys
· Earning easy commissions with MLM
· Making millions from selling vitamins
I am sure there are a million other scams out there. A basic rule of thumb: you should not have to open up your pocket to “learn” industry secrets. If you pay money to go to conferences and seminars to learn guaranteed secrets from professionals, the only thing you can guarantee is that they will try to milk more money from you without offering you much in the way of helpful information.
At the root of each of these employment “opportunities” is a MLM structure. The money is made here not by producing a product necessarily, but by pulling in legions of “downline” workers who will do the work so those on top can build their pockets with cash. Also, the older an MLM is, the likelihood of the existence of true business opportunities dwindles.
For example, there is a popular “opportunity” that provides money while stuffing envelopes? Think about this! It literally takes machines pennies on the dollar to stuff thousands of envelopes each second! Do you think they will pay money for you to be able to stuff 100 envelopes an hour? Yep…me neither.
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